Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Blog Text Moved... (www.mcendurnace.com)

I moved my text to my website to keep things consolidated for this trip...

www.mcendurance.com and the blog tab.

I couldn't get my photos to come from instagram to this blog so I moved in a rush! :-)

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Saturday, December 28, 2013

One Man, One Bike, One Gear, equals One Epic Journey!!!

Greetings from blogger land!

Recently I have been planning for another epic trip across America by bicycle. Similar to the ride in 2010 when I rode across the TransAmerica Route; I will ride solo, self-contained, and long each day!

This time I will be riding for the following:

1. Raise Money for a few fellas trying to make RIO in '16. Want to help? follow the link http://www.mcendurance.com/rio-fund/

 2. In 2012 I won the Strava Base Mile Blast - I hope to again on this trip, only in style and a lot of pain (style explained below - pain, well that doesn't need an explanation!)

 3. Inspire the world to go and ride your bikes or as the Dirt Bag Diaries state "Go Follow Your Folly"!

You have read a few words of mine so far, however let me really try and persuade you to follow this journey!

 I travel by the # tag, @ sign, alias, or just plain textual (is textual a word) of "mcendurance" in the virtual world most of us find ourselves living. I chose this call sign because its simple - the first two letters are my initials and one defines "endurance" as the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.

 Now you might be thinking, this kid is crazy "endurance"! Well my friend, I'm not in an institution so I would differ. I, like most people dream of experiences like this on a daily basis. However, there is a point in ones life where you have to "unplug" from the daily grind we get caught up in and venture out! I know there are responsibilities of life that puts a stronghold on each one of us and doesn't allow us to capture the moments we most cherish. But, lets face it. Life is short and we only get one dash!

If you followed my blog in '10 you know what that dash is, for others let me explain…

 This is my dash: 1979 - ?

The dash is my life and what I make of it, and the ? mark, well you get the point!

The life we chose is a short, we must make the best of every moment we can as you never know when its going to be taken. I have been close to death and have lost a lot of good friends at the early age of 34 and I know that my time on this planet is short. I chose not to live on comments of others like "once in a lifetime" or "I wish I had the time to do something like that" or "I wish I had the funds to do that".

These are all just excuses keeping you from jumping head first into the word "endurance". If you want something, make it happen, go for it, as you only have one dash!! Before you know it, your life will fall into that ? in the small equation I have listed above! So analyze your life, and LIVE the joy you want to see on a daily basis! Hide behind no fear, no excuses, or worry.

The mind should live in one state of time, and that's only in the MOMENT, as there is no future and we need not live in the past. If you can implement wisdom and experiences gained from the past you will allow each moment to be even more precious than the last. You do this. You will find inner peace, joy, and a life you have always dreamt of!

***Little about the upcoming trip! Style - I mentioned I would define above - see photo of my rig that will accompany me across the Southern Tier of the United States. Now for the pain - this is going to be EPIC as I want to cover 130-150 miles a day on a 35 lb rig and only one gear!!! Stay tuned as more exciting text, photos, and life experiences are about to unfold!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 99: October 20th, 2010 (Route: Roadside Camping to Marshfield, MO)

Day 99: October 20th, 2010 (Route: Roadside Camping to Marshfield, MO)

Technical Data

Distance, miles: 105.4
Ride Time 8:04:36
Work, kJ: 4151
Average Speed, mph: 12.93
Average Power, watts: 142
Normalized Power, watts: 181

Forecast - Cloudy and in the 60's with winds out of the North to NorthEast

As I wake from the picnic table on the roadside this morning I sit and watch the leaves fall, take in a fresh breat of fall air and think about my journey. Do I want this to end, does it have to end? I know that for doors to open one has to close, though I lay here thinking about the work ahead of me today I just be...

Being in the moment is something I don't think I have written about over the last couple of weeks, however this morning all the stress is at bay and I'm about to take on another 100 mile day. So much work when using the small chain ring, however its well worth it!

I start packing up and notice a couple middle age women out for a walk near the creek I slept next too, what a way to start the day. To wake, call a friend, and go for a walk in the beautiful ozarks in the cool fall temperatures. The trees are wonderful, dropping the most precious gifts that humans over look on a daily basis, leaves provide oxygen for us to live our lives. It is said that 1 acre of trees provides enough oxygen for 18 people on daily basis. AS the leaves fall I give tribute to the work they have provided over the summer months on working so hard in keeping us alive, now to the fall where the trees will help replenish nutrients to the earth we walk on. I think this is one of the many reasons I love the forest, the trees in our local parks, and even those rare trees that lie in the middle of the crop fields I have passed on this trip. I think I could go on and on about the trees out there, I mean think about it. Take the time and think about how many uses we have for trees, and not to be "Thankful" for them would be silly.

I think about so many that use the term "Tree Hugger" in a negative way, if you can't think of 50 ways for the use of Trees you need to read "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein. The book is well within everyone's reading ability and as one of my favorite author's I love to read this on occasion just to bring me back to reality. As I travel I have seen so many mills on this journey which makes me think of this book and how many things trees provide for us. Okay, I need to back up...

So I pack up and I'm hungry, without eating dinner last night I have a hunger that I haven't had for a while. Heading out I climb and what a way to start your day, I thought the gals walking along the creek was something, try climbing out of the Ozarks for a warmup of a hundred mile ride. Gotta love it!!!

I hit the top of the hill and my energy levels are low, I figure because its the lack of planning my nutrition last night and thinking about the end of my trip. So close, yet a couple hundred miles away. I continue to ride and hit up the next town to fill my bottles with ice water, I ask around about a small cafe' in town for some breakfast and the ladies at the store point me to the "The Moose Cafe" to the South and up this hill, I figure what the heck, I won't make it if I don't fuel myself. This would be like trying to cover a 300 mile drive with no fuel in the tank, its just not going to happen!

After telling my story to many locals, I down some pancakes, eggs, and hashbrowns and then hit the road. Leaving the diner feeling full I slug along in my small chain ring. Not feeling like I have any energy I just push along. The mind is struggling today, the energy appears to be there, however the drive is exactly the opposite. Mind is looking to the reward if I get the mileage in today, a short ride tomorrow and all finished. Crazy to think about what I'll be doing once I'm off my bike, I think the goal is to make some money and fix what I need repaired and purchase a new sleeping pad and sleeping bag. The sleeping pad that I have been using since I left needs repaired, however about half way through the trip it just needs to be thrown out. I've been sleeping on the ground for about 60 days now without any air underneath me and its time to break down and purchase a new one, I figure this one being 10 years old is seen its days so I'm not feeling bad for having to replace it.

Near home now, the terrain is starting to look like SouthEast Kansas where I grew up, the farms, the open country, so beautiful! Even the smells take me back to my childhood. I like the fact that I'll be riding back to close where I grew up versus finishing on the coast and having to catch a ride back via a plane, train, or bus! Nothing like where you grew up...

I ride and really didn't want to get off the bike so I continue to ride along highway 38, just wanting to ride into the night I push on. This is a struggle, my legs are dead, the mind is saying its time for a break, however there is a part inside of me that says keep going! The ride yesterday put me in a hole physically, I don't think it would have if I would have had dinner, however last night I was smoked! I still think the riding in VA is tougher then the Ozarks, however the Ozarks are not to be taken lightly! As with all the terrain on this trip I can't wait to get back here and drop the Bob and attack some of these climbs, the good thing about these climbs are that they are close if I choose to stay in this area once I finish up...

Riding into Hartville, MO I read the signs, with 25 miles to go to hit Marshfield, MO I think about what to do. The goal today was to ride to a town just west of Marshfield called Fair Grove where I plan on sleeping behind a little store, with my legs feeling like they are I'll see how this goes. Refilling bottles and downing some snacks I get back on the road. Thinking just push through it. I have had so many times like this on my trip, down times only to bounce back, with the thoughts of just pushing forward I think about life. Life has so many of these moments, so many down times, then it all bounces back, with the mind controling things I just be, be in the moment and take in the pain of the legs burning, the lungs aching as I pursue my goals on todays ride. The climbing has come to a steady set of rollers, however with the weight I'm unable to roll them, I know if I didn't have the load I would be cruising and have knocked out a hundred miles by now.

The sunshine is so beautiful, with the sun hiding behind the clouds I enjoy the sunset as rays of light peak through, I wonder how many are taking in this sunset this evening? So beautiful, so still, so many moments now to capture! I continue to ride and enjoy the evenin, as the dark clouds to the South continue to push south, I miss the small rain showers I had a couple hours ago, so nice to have warm rain drops hit me while I ride. Taking it all in I think about what's next, where will I end up. I have a plan, however will that plan fall through like others that I have had. Should I even plan?

Pulling into Marshfield, MO I stop and refill some bottles, talk to the clerk about how long the next town is and make a decision that 20 miles would be doable, however not with this light. The days have shortened with the cool temperatures in the morning and the change of seasons, so the allowable ride time for me has shortened significantly. That's okay as I'll find a local park to crash in. After asking the clerk where the park is I decide I need to refuel from yesterday and today, so I head to a local Mexican Cantina for some chips and salsa and a little fuel for tomorrows ride, which could possible be the last in this chapter, definitely won't be the last ride I can and will contest to that! There is just something about riding my bike, that allows me to be free and alive! The open road has so many secrets to it, a new one around every corner, riding to leave no stone unturned on this journey of mine. So many moments to capture, to remember to cherish!

I pull into the park and I'm surprised to see a couple of cyclist, a couple from Europe heading from San Fran to Florida. I chat with them for a little bit, however they are more interested in eating, its dark now I'm sure they have been riding all day and I'm feeling the same. I decide tonight I'm going to actually set up the tent as its supposed to be low 40's and I'm wanting a good nights sleep. Kinda amped from the day I have trouble falling sleep, I text a few people, however no replies so I just sit and think. Think about Oregon and how I would love to connect still with EJ and see how she has been, it has been so long, then again maybe it only feels like a long time since I have experienced so much between then and now. To sleep I go to feel the last moments of the ride tomorrow or possible the next day, its 120 miles to my final destination to ride home with my two nieces, to enjoy the ride from the pool with a 4 year old and a 2 year old that's turning three in a few days. My finish line...

Day 98: October 19th, 2010 (Route: Farmington, MO to Roadside camping Spot, MO)

Day 98: October 19th, 2010 (Route: Farmington, MO to Roadside camping Spot, MO)

Technical Data

Distance, miles: 101.96
Ride Time 7:11:29
Work, kJ: 4637
Average speed, mph: 14.11
Average Power, watts: 128
Normalized Power, watts: 225

Forecast: Sunny and in the 70's with a West wind 5-10 mph...

Woke early at Al's place in Farmington, MO and started to clean, this place is so nice I didn't want to leave a trace that I was here. So I swept the floors, did the laundry, cleaned the bathrooms and straightened up as much as I could before I left. Before leaving I sat down and tried to get caught up on all the blog post I had neglected over the last four days. Traveling with someone doesn't leave that much time for blogging, which was nice, it was sad to see Dakota go even though we only traveled together for a couple of days. I think that traveling all alone for the 95% of the trip is starting to get to me. Eating alone last night was tough and I hope not to have to do that much more in my life, however I'm sure it will happen.

After writing for a little bit I put together my rig that I stored downstairs in the bike area, filled bottles, loaded the wet/dry bag and changed. I started my ride later than expected, around 10:30 or so. I figured this would allow plenty of time to get to my final destination for the day, which I was planning on Summersville, MO. Riding out of town I stopped and checked the highways I would be traveling and blasted my way south. Rolled through a couple of small towns, Doe Run was the first little one I ran into and all the others became a blur as I traveled. The weather was great, the traffic low and the hills were in abundance! The Ozarks are known for there up and down continues hills and let me tell ya it was a lot of work today!

Riding without my left shifter really sucks to be honest, there were some flats today that I really wanted to push the pace as I was feeling great! With the legs feeling strong I continued to ride, trying to stick to the map as close as possible, I did get off my planned route, however not that far. I ended up climbing and descending and doing it all over again, and again, and again! The trees are specatular, the reds, yellows, oranges, purples, browns all contrasting nicely with the light blue sky! I stop to just take in the scenery today and enjoy every minute of it. Have you ever just watch a single leaf fall to the ground, tumbling with the force of gravity to touch the earth. Some tumble in balance, flipping over and over while others float as if carrying some delicate cargo. Riding today is somethign I will cherish for many years to come, the winding of the roads, the smoothness, the steep grades, the fast descents, I will remember today as if it were my last, though I have a few more to go!

Stopping for water I pick up some .49 cent crackers and down a few bananas I had left from the day before. Fueling not as good as I would like today, however I'm fresh and the legs are feeling great I continue to push on. The sun is falling out of the cloud filled sky now and I'm thinking am I going to make it? The mind is going to race mode now, thinking I have to make it, unknowning on how far I have traveled, as I forgot to reset my computer I keep thinking just ride until it gets dark then pitch the tent on the side of the road. Through Ellington where I stopped at the grocery to use the facilities, refill water, and grab some more bananas for the road. Thinking I better make this quick I roll out of Ellington with 27 miles to the next town Eminence, and another 19 miles to Summersville where I really wanted to get. The nexst 27 miles are tough, with lots of climbing, cross a couple of rivers and really fighting for the days mileage. With my normalized power being 225 today I know I worked my tail off and from my RPE I can tell you I did, it was a great day of riding for sure! Once into Eminence I thought 19 more miles I can make it, the sun was about an inch or two above the horizen so I pressed on. I got another 5 miles before I decided to shut it down.

I shut it down unknowning of the distance traveled and in a mood of not wanting to quit, I sure do wish somedays I had lights to ride at night, however I made the right decision. Riding at night on these winding hilly roads is not the smartest of all ideas so I made the decision to ride it tomorrow. I still was able to get close to 102 miles in today in this rolling terrain so that's not a bad day. It was a lot of work and well worth it too, as I am now two days out from my brothers house where I will get to spend the rest of the week and enjoy my nieces birthday party and all in all, just relax and start thinking about plugging myself back into society...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 97 REST DAY (@ AL's Place)

The last couple of days I have taken off from writing, mainly because I wanted to take in the last couple of days of my journey to just soak it in. The feelings have been bitter/sweet! I'm close to 3-4 days left on this chapter in my life and the emotions, feelings, thoughts have been all over the place! I hope to finish on day 100...

Today I sit at Al's Place in Farmington, MO a Host site for the Tour de Missouri where a few locals put together the funds to create a cycling hostel in the area for racers and Trans Am tourist. Its a pretty plush hostel, wifi, cable, showers, laundry services, all within walking distance of resturants and a discount store if you need anything. Farmington is located in the Eastern part of Missouri a few hours south of St. Louis, about 300 miles away from where I started!

I rolled into Farmington with Dakota, an adventurous soul searching for the ins/outs of where the food comes from that she consumes. She is spending weeks volunteering at farms across the country, and from conversation learning a lot. She was raised in Alaska, and having spent a few days in conversation it was nice to learn about Alaska and the youthful views she shared. So good to have friends younger and older as it keeps a wide perspective on things.

Many may think why I took a couple days off from writing, well to be completely honest I lost a little drive in writing the last couple of weeks because the end nears and I don't want it to end! I return to a blank slate, a slate where I will have to start painting over again the life I want, this brings with it feelings of the unknown, of being scared, of curiousity, so many things running through the mind on this subject. Do I stay in the Midwest, do I moved out East or West. So many questions to think about in the next couple of days before I return home. I wish I new whether or not I was in school all ready so I don't have to wait another year!

I'm in need of a new left shifter for my bike, it went out a couple days ago! So I'll be riding in with no large gear, which is okay as the Ozarks are hilly, however I sure would like to have a large ring on this section to switch things up! With 300 miles to go I'll have to bear it and enjoy it, not sure when I'll have the time to do this again...

I will be taking donations for a "New" bike if anyone would like to make a donation to my new bike fund. The bike I have completed this journey on is 10 years old and has been my rain bike for training, however its time to start saving for a new road bike to race on next season!

Other thoughts that have been going through the mind on this rest day is that of racing RAMM next year if I can get a qualifier in. I keep thinking about shutting down the physical pursuits and heading into school, however without knowing if I'm in its tough to focus 100% on that path. We will have to see where everything goes once I get back, still have to spend the rest of the year writing and reflecting on this journey I have just undertook. So many thoughts so many options.

Conversation over the last couple of days was great. Questions of pursuing the peace corp, school, physical pursuits, or even just getting back to work. Traveling with someone for the last couple of days was nice, having someone to talk to was a bonus as I have been traveling 95% by my self on this trip, add the next couple of days and it will be 97% of the journey which is a lot of time alone to think, reflect on life and to just sit in my thoughts! Bouncing ideas off of someone is something I will need in the future and this I know, so I think once I get back I'll try my best to get the applications ready for submittal though I have just a few days to meet a few deadlines for schools I would like to attend. I would really like to attend Duke U. out in Durham given the opportunity. This means I need to take some classes come the spring time, which I'm looking forward too. Maybe I can take classes in the Spring, save some money and do this again next summer before school starts. Maybe, you just never know!

I wish I had captured some of the thoughts over the last couple of days, however I have no regrets on taking a few days off from writing, the more I think about it, it has been over three months of "Pedaling & Writing" so I think I have done a pretty good job of capturing the majority of the adventure! (Giving me great work to write a book with when I return to the destination I will write it!)

All kinds of questions come to mind when I think about returning to whereever I end up? Will I stay in Tulsa, go to Colorado, or head to the East or West coast? I'll have to figure this out soon as I'm going to be wrapping this trip up this week. Pretty emotional as I will have accomplished something out of the ordinary to a lot, however here on the road its normal to those I come across! I have traveled a lot of miles by pedal power which I love to do, however with both a small and large ring! lol

So where is life heading?????

I have figured out a lot on this trip, however all the unknown future of mine is a little scarey! Will I have the time to enjoy life once out of school or will my life be so busy I won't be able to pen like I have the last three months. So many things to think about, so many...

I'm sitting here delaying my departure trying to get as much text in while I clean Al's place, I'm probably going a little over board on the cleaning however this place is so clean I want to make sure I leave it like I found it!

Day 96: October 16th (Route: Chester, IL to Farmington, MO)

Day 96: October 16th (Route: Chester, IL to Farmington, MO)

Technical Data

Distance, miles: 44.75
Ride Time 3:58:43
Work, kJ: 2050
Average Power, watts: 140
Normalized Power, watts: 196
Average Speed, mph: 11.02

Forecast Doesn't get much better!

*Again - took a break from writing to enjoy the ride and soak in the last 10 days of my trip! Not what I wanted to do, however I can see traveling with someone else doesn't leave much time for solo task...

-Chester - Home of Popeye
-Fish Fry at the Eagles
-Slept in a shed with 9 bunks
-Watched a movie on the labtop on the "Mississippi"
-Had some Ice Cream last night with chocolate milk
-Took a long walk, watched a little of the high school foot ball game
-Small town - lots of people walking around, gave me the feel of Parsons, KS where I grew up
-Woke early to take off to Farmington
-Didn't sleep well on the bunk - back slightly bothering me, maybe slept wrong
-Shifter still not working
-Eagles owners (Joe&Donna)
-Heading to Al's a cycling hostel in Farmington
-PC Charger, wire boot has frayed and doesn't work any more :(
-Great rolling terrain to Farmington
-RedBoxed a couple of movies with promo codes at Al's
-Dakota took off to head to a farm north of Farmington (she's traveling around the country working/volunteering on farms to understand agriculture)
-Feeling of loneliness sets in
-Taking a day off tomorrow before I push on to Carl Junction - should be there on day 100!