Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 72: September 22nd, 2010 (Route Branchville, VA to Yorktown, VA)

Day 72: September 22nd, 2010 (Route Branchville, VA to Yorktown, VA)

Technical Data:

Distance, miles: 115.5
Ride Time 7:21:31
Work, kJ: 4306
Average Power, watts: 160
Normalized Power, watts: 182
Average Speed, mph: 15.49

Forecast: Sunny and hot with a lite breeze 5-10 mph...

Waking up this morning was easy, I was excited this morning to get on the road, thinking I had 80+ miles or so to Yorktown was a great feeling, however I really didn't know how many miles, all I knew it was another days ride. Waking up and crawling out of the tent that layed the back yard of a very generous Virginia family was nice. I woke a couple hours early this morning, however the darkness kept me stationary. Listening to the crickets chirp was nice, along with looking up out of the tent at the distant stars made me realized why I'm out here and what I am doing. The peace and quiet of the country side has allowed me to collect my thoughts from all the hustle and bustle of life when you're completely plugged into society.

I didn't hesitate on getting on the bike once I got out of the tent, I loaded things and I got out of there. I think because I wanted to ride as much as possible in the coolness of the day, lately the afternoons have been getting brutally hot, and I really did not want to get caught up in the heat of the day like yesterday. I can tell I am not acclimated for this type of heat like I was 70 days ago, training in the heat and humidity of Missouri sure did help, however the NW spoiled all my acclimazation.

Stopping at the next town about 20 miles down the road for water, I refill bottle and just set the bike on cruise control. Roads are nice, flat, and I have a slight tail wind. I noticed I clipped off the first couple of riding without a bit of effort this morning which was nice, however I started to realize the ride was going to be a bit further than expected as the signs did not favor my 80 mile thought. The goal this mornin was to get across the river by noon so I pushed on. The trees and cotton fields lining the rural roads I chose to ride where still this morning, not much going on at all. The peacefulness of the country side is something to enjoy though, I just kept trying to take in ever moment I possible can as I know once I get back to the Midwest things are going to ramp up and I'll get busy again.

Roads were smooth and wonderful to ride on today, nothing like a smooth road, blue skies, and tail wind! I kept thinking, today should be my fastest ride yet! Stopping at a truck stop to get water, I decide to check the phone and see if there is any life out there, phones almost dead which isn't a good thing. I need to make sure I have some electrons to make contact with the host at the Episcopal Church there in Yorktown. Then I thought, I'll figure it out, I'm pretty resourceful, think about it, I'm 70+ days into this journey and have been very fortunate so far, so need not to worry! Just believe in the journey at hand and embrace every minte.

Thoughts all over the place today, thinking about the application process, going back to school in the Spring and hopefully being addmitted to a D.P.T program for the Fall of 2011. I would really like to be admitted to a good school, well they are all good schools, I should write, I just wanted to be admitted some where. I do have my favorites though.

Thoughts in and out today or riding then back to the future, truely not taking in every moment I can. The thoughts of getting back to work, back to school, back to a life of full responsibilities, well different then the present. The growth that has occurred on this trip will be something that will never be forgotten for sure! I often think about growing up, then I think what's the point? I just want to mature, no need to grow up. I'm as tall as I'm going to get so growing might be out of the question, now its just time to mature and learn from all those I encounter in this journey we call life.

I just lost all my work - internet here is spotty so I'm going to call this a day and relax...some days you have great connections, others well they're like today! Tune in tomorrow and days to come as tomorrow I'm heading back to the Midwest and I'm thinking 9 days till Louisville!


Steve Carr said...

Hello, Matt. Steve here. Just taking some time at the end of Saturday, to "ride" along with you as I read through some of your blog posts over the past 72 days and read your descriptions of mountain climbs and blessings of sunsets. Not quite as good as having you here to talk to, but I have a much greater appreciation for blogging and for the faithfulness of your journeying and journaling. I use the word "faithfulness" intentionally and advisedly, as I hear and sense a faithful, honest, and authentic voice. Ofter reading a number of of your journal posts, and talking with you on your recent visit, I also have a greater appreciation for what a good man you have become, and you are becoming, and what great potential and inner strength (and obvious physical strength) you have. You will find success, as you have learned and you are learning what it means to be successful, and that you will define it and live it and realize it in your own unique way. I know that you (and all of us) are looking for happiness, and blessing, and I believe that you are happy, and you are finding happiness, every day, sometimes in tiny moments, sometimes in a word or phrase or a touch that a new friend you have met shares with you.

We received your cards today "from the road" and we cherish them, and we see your smile and hear youir gentle laugh in the words you wrote. Your cousin, Hannah Caroline, really liked your "Hi, Cousin" birthday card. She is on her way to a complete works of Shakespeare in 90 minutes, and she says "Hi" and "Whaddup? :) and wishes you well. Leslie is out walking with Nessa, and Ranger is sitting here with me at the computer. Jonathan is out on the lake kayaking with his new friend from school, and she seems very pleasant. We're resting up after the "war on fleas" that we declared this morning, which included spraying the yards, spraying the dogs' bedding and slepping places with an organic something or other the floral fragrance of which still lingers throughout the house, and thorough brushings and baths for both Ranger and Nessa that they thoroughly enjoyed (NOT). We'll see if we have won the war, or if the fleas live on to fight another day. The house and dogs (and all of us) are cleaner. It appears that a neighbor dog that Leslie rescued out wandering around was the source of the latest flea attacks on our - til then- flea- free family members, because we put the wanderer in the back yard while looking for the owners, and the fleas found Ranger and Nessa.

Not much else to report for now. Work continues to go well, and my partner and her husband and friends are heading to Cozumel for a brief vacation. Susan's motto and frequent advice, from Hamlet, I believe, is "To thine own self be true." Just checked my copy, and it is from Hamlet, Act 1, scene 3 - with some special emphasis preceding it: "This above all." I would say you have been heeding that advice for quite some time. Stay true to your self, and stay in touch. I admire the raw, and the honesty. Here's another Hamlet quote for you, perhaps apropos of your journey: "Though this be madness, yet there's a method in it." Act 2scene 2
Love, Steve

Steve Carr said...

From Leslie

Dear Matt:

We so enjoyed having your gentle spirit with us for a too short week. You are a very impressive, young man. I am glad you rode up here. Thanks for your sweet cards and, especially for remembering Caroline’s birthday. She is thrilled to have you in her life.

I took a look at your blog the other night. I was expecting a travelogue and it is rather more a memoir (maybe that is what a blog is supposed to be. I must confess your blog is the first I have read). I look forward to reading more of it and making some comments. I told some folks at work that you had ridden here and it was amazing how many responded with, “he should write a book about that”. So, I hope you will. We certainly know you have the discipline and from what I have read so far, I think you have the material. It is interesting to me that you chose to ride alone, but to share in such detail with strangers. I guess, as you said, you wanted to reflect. I think maybe you are sort of like a mobile Thoreau.

I have thought of you often the past week and wondered where you were and how you were – rained on or dry (it is finally raining here today), cooking alone or sharing breakfast with a new friend, seeing gorgeous fall foliage or the dry, brown leaves that have been dropping here for lack of water. In all events, I hope that you are safe and making progress, however you define that.

We are all fine here. Caroline turned 18 on Wednesday and wanted Thai for dinner. We spent the weekend battling fleas (the jury is still out), though we are hoping for the best. Jonathan brought Cristina home this weekend to go kayaking and we got to meet her. She seems like a nice girl. I guess they are officially dating now or so he told Steve.

Well, ride safe. Good luck on your PT apps. Let us hear from you often. We promise to stay in touch. Love, Leslie.

mcarnal said...

Steve & Leslie-

In Charlottes, VA - things have come to a slow crawl as something is bothering me now with my right leg. From the research I have done, the verdict is I need a lot of rest. The odds are its an overuse injury so I'm hopeing for the best! Thanks for the feedback on the blog, I like to hear from others on here as I haven't had many responses.

Loved the Hamlet quotes and I aggree there is a reason to the madness, or what I call normal, I love how everything is relative to ones life experiences!

I miss all of you and thank you for the warm wishes, I will do my best to keep in touch while I'm out here on the road!

Talk soon, from the road!