Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 53: September 2nd, 2010 (Route: Refugio Campground, CA East of Santa Barbara to Pacific Palisades (LA), CA)

Day 53: September 2nd, 2010 (Route: Refugio Campground, CA East of Santa Barbara to Pacific Palisades (LA), CA)

Technical Data:

Distance, miles: 115.7
Ride Time 7:54:19
Work, kJ: 4295
Average Power: 148
Normalized Power: 182
Average Speed, mph: 14.34

Forecast - Woke and it was foggy and cold, day cleared up though to be "Bright and Sunshiney!"

This morning I woke and really didn't want to get up, however I was food motivated! I had a lite pasta dinner last night, with some Tuna that a friend had sent. Not sure why I held on to the Tuna this long as its vital protein my body needs with all this training/riding! I set my alarm last night, first time to be on the clock in sometime I was thinking the night before, however I did have the thoughts that I need to get back to work, the mind has been slipping lately and its time to work!

I got out of the tent, boy did I want to jump back in too! The ocean breeze this morning was so chilly and I thought your going to ride in this? I didn't bring gloves, knee warmers, or leg warmers as when I was packing I thought about them, however I couldn't find 'em in all the things I had packed away so I figured I'll just ride during the heat of the day! Well, being my first time on the coast for this length in duration I wasn't sure what to expect so I figured why not wing it, heck I'm trying to wing this trip anyways!

I got up and the homeless guy next to me was just rolling in with some firewood, I'm presuming to try and warm up himself. I often wonder what its like to be homeless, considering I'm kinda without a place to call home right now, true I have family and friends, however its just the thought of answering the questions I get on where I call home. According to the park ranger the homeless in the area have been bad so I was presuming based on the quick conversation, however looks can be deceiving so I could be wrong. I pack up and head to change, once in the bathroom I don't want to leave as its so warm, however the stomach was growling and I needed to get into Santa Barbara where there would be some food!

Onto the highway I go, nothing like riding in the thickest fog yet with traffic blowing by at 60-70 mph! The legs are full of fluid this morning but firing so I just continue to pedal through the thick fog thinking of food! I get asked alot how I continue to push on, this reminds me of a conversation with the young Carl from LA I meet in the Humboldt Redwoods, to answer his question this morning it would be "food"! Thinking of warmth and where I was planning on eating was the only thing I can remember from this 23 mile stretch of foggy highway. I did have to navigate off the 1 and this is starting to be a pain! However thats the adventure right...I could have bought the expensive maps and had turn by turn direction to my destination however whats the fun in that! (Okay - traveling too far on the 1 where its prohibited is not the safest so I can see where the maps would be handy! Try crossing oncoming traffic from the on ramp traveling 10-15 mph while the traffic is accelerting up to highway speeds to merge!) I'm typing this so I navigated successfully this morning...

The side roads I chose where spot on, was able to find all the bike paths based on my scence of direction and confirmed one long stretch on Hollister Street to take me right into Santa Barbara. The key is to ask another person commuting for direction as their on a bike and will know the routes! When riding everything slows down so you can take so much more in, by car you just zoom by rocking out on your radio or talking on the phone, missing almost everything you see! The moment is what matters when your on the bike, it keeps you in the now as you have to rely on all your senses to navigate, stay upright with rubber side down, et cetera!

Once onto Hollister I saw what you would typically expect to see in a larger city. People commuting to work, kids waiting the bus, cyclist commuting, and the overall sense the city is coming alive yet again! I roll onto State Street in Santa Barbara with a little help from my phone and plan on hitting up some wi fi at a local coffee shop and pick up some breakfast. The bad thing about being hungry like this, everything looks so good. I back track to an Ihop where I'm hoping I can talk them into "all you can eat pancakes", however that didn't fly but I had to try! Once in the Ihop I position myself by the window to keep an eye on my rig, forewarned of the theft that could possibly linger on the horizon I wanted to take all precautions!

I order an oamlette and down it like drinking a glass of water on a hot Kansas summer day! I was so hungry I had to ask the server for the menu back! I wasn't going to make my budget for today and it didn't bother me, you'll do about anything when your hungry. While sitting there, three sweet ladies start up a conversation. Their in town to see the Doctors, they mentioned that the Doctors where their from don't know anything so they head to where they can trust them! I get to talking with them and they asked me if I was just out for a short ride. I get this a lot and being tired and hungry today I don't think I came across as nice, however I'm sure that was just my persception. I respond, yup you could say that, just a little bike ride! Then they pry a little more and I give them where I started from and you should have seen the mouths drop open and the eyes brighten! I love this moment as it has happened so many times on this trip!

We continue to talk throughout are meals and its good! My belly's not growling as much and my demeanor is perking up, I was really tired this morning as well so that could have something to do with my poor attitude I was thinking! Rest is needed and I'm sure looking forward to getting to LA to hang with the sweet couple I meet in Wisdom, MT! While sitting here conversing and eating dinner, Eleanor walked in! A sweet 98 year old women that comes in everyday at this time. I over hear a nice gentlemen talking with her about seeing her picking flowers the other day. You can tell her mind is sharp, however the eye sight is fading. Just cherish this moment as there is so much that could be learnt from her, I'm sure I could spend years listening to the history she has, taking notes on what to do and what not to do going forward with my life! We can learn so much from those that want to share and mentor if only given the chance...

Heading out I said my good byes to sweet precious Eleanor, she had such wit! She told a story about growing up in Montana with her siblings and how strong she had to be in that environment. She also took the time to tell us that everyone in politics didn't know what they where doing...she made a lot of folks laugh that morning! I kept thinking as I walked out the door, o' the stories she must have! I hope that when I'm her age I have the brain function to share the story of my life's lessons, the good and the bad!

Putting my shoes on I watch the waiters look at me as they can't believe I have ridden my bike from Missouri and I'm just heading out! Back onto State Street I see boutique shops and tons of things around me that just feel city! I'm embracing it, however the trees are more appealing to me. Its still pretty foggy so I can't see the terrian as that's what I'm more interested in. The people are buzzy rushing to work causing me to have to stop at every pedistrian cross walk and light this morning, I didn't mind as my belly was full and the pace would slow for all the food I needed to digest! Speaking of that, the lovely ladies picked up my breakfast this morning. I get so emotional when this happens and have to "Thank the Lord" for all he has provided for me on this trip. I passed up the Ihop thinking I would score something better down the road, then back track and he provided! It's times like these on this trip I cannot take for granted, thinking about it, I was hungry, so very hungry this morning and had a goal of not spending any money for the next three days besides on a campsite and he provided! It just proves you have to have faith in all I do as he will provide when the time is right!

Heading out of town I have to navigate on the city streets which is still working out okay! I would rather be up on that large shoulder on the highway cruising straight through, however you don't always get what you want so I settled for a slower ride. Not much to see to be honest, lots of buildings and businesses, no great scenery like up the coast. The fog was lifting, the mountains directly off the ocean where great though! Not trying to push the pace I just continue to pedal thinking I need to call Carl and Cookie to let them know where, along with my expected eta. I continue to ride when I start to feel a little bogged down, the mental sharpness I had a couple days ago after eating that wonderful meal in Morro Bay was starting to fade. I wasn't really bonking, just tired and possibly over trained I'm assuming! Again, I had to check what's lacking in this equation, I would say sleep as the body just wants to fally a sleep. I'm good on food and hydration so it has to be the variable of recovery! I just keep pushing on though...

At this point I really had to go to the bathroom and I was about 50-60 miles in when I was fading. I told myself just 10 moe miles, once the odometer says 60-70 I can't recall which I'll take a small break and just relax! I make it another ten miles before I find a Subway, the only thing I could find that would have a place to charge my phone and I could possibly grab lunch, however I didn't want to spend any money so I would have to cook or down a Gu! Once to the Subway I start collecting some electrons as I need to call Carl and check in, I've emailed this morning from Santa Barbara, however I should really call, but I can't recall his number and its in the bottom of the BoB wet/dry bag so I figure I'll just call when I get closer. I took the time to read at the shop, I had downloaded some papers from the net the other day on Ecological Managment that my friend had written. I figured what a better way to get to know someone, reading what they are interested in and passionate about. The book I brought has taken a back burner, I don't think I have even been this long with the same read!

Schools out here in Oxnard, CA as all the kids are walking by the Subway. I've been relaxing and enjoying the afternoon in the climate controled environment, never really think about this when life is passing you by, however when living outside it sure is nice to have! I'm getting a little anxious at this point in time as kids will be kids sometimes, and I really didn't want to take the chance of anything getting ripped off. These were just thoughts as they all looked liked good kids, just taking the right precautions. It was like I was in Mexico when I went outside, the language was of Spanish and broken English. This reminded me a lot of my Mexican American friends growing up, however this was a deeper Spanish/Latino culture and I loved it! You can tell those who look after others, these boys certainly did. A group of about 15 just having a great time after school, on the walk home I'm resuming. Not sure why I was nervous, I'm in California for one and the other, I really don't trust anyone when I'm out here with my transportation and the little things I have that mean so much to me at the moment.

Heading off I have about 25 miles to Malibu and this ride is going to be scenic from what I hear! Then another 20 miles or so to LA, the Pacific Palisades is my destination for the night. Riding along the coast has been so amazing, the farms, the ocean waves, the marine life! I got to watch the dolphins swimming off the shore line a couple miles back and what a sight! I could have stayed the entire day watching however, a couple days off when I get to LA, I can't wait! Odd how I'm so ready to ride after a couple of days, then when I have destroyed my quads I can't wait for a days of rest!

Rolling into the Malibu scene was surreal, the country side blanketed with million dollar homes, homes that I cannot imagine what they look like inside! Homes I'm not sure I would want to live in, however I'm assuming the money steers the mind in all direction when it starts pouring in. I'm sure for some its a status thing, but when I think about it that's what the media wants us to think. There is close to over 330,000,000 people in the United States and I'm sure the percentage I am talking about is so incremental that it can be easily classified as just people with greed, however I think. There are rich lawyers and poor ones too, what makes all people that live in Malibu after status, that's just what the media wants us to think. People should be taken for the time spent with them, and in all honesty all people are great if you take the time to get to know them and not judge them. The world as I have experienced with the little time I have spent here as shown me lots, however the main thing I will cherish from my liberal arts education and the short (and I mean short) time I have spent on this planet is to have an "open mind" and use it! The beauty of Malibu made me think alot about the "Malibu Barbie" commercials growing up, and thinking about how the women here must be a spectacle! (Lots of laughter along this stretch as I can only imagine what people would be thinking of a grown man traveling down the highway laughing histerically)

The sights and sounds of Malibu where just what I needed! The sounds of ocean waves crashing, the surfers chatter, the sounds of expensive sports cars (okay - I'm a guy and the sound of Ferrari flying by you on the bike is something, no matter how close he gets! The closer the better as I'm pushing close to 0.5 horse and with the touch of the pedal, hundreds of horses) Power's all relative depending on where you are! Plus I just think it sounds cool, would I ever want to own one? Probably not, however driving one every now and again would be pretty cool and not on a video game! The sights here are just what I thought they would be, beautiful ocean views, and gorgeous homes along the hilly terrain that encompasses this 27 mile stretch of ocean shore line. The students here at Pepperdine have it nice when it comes to scenery for sure! The cost on the other hand from my eyes would be a pretty pricey, however being from Kansas where its cheap living I can only imagine what it would be like to live here.

Rolling along the highway just gets better and better! Then I run into a student, running down the highway. Pretty fit kid, reminding me of my college days, eat whatever and still look great. Does that ever change mentally though? If I keep this up I'll always be in great shape, as for the looks, I'll have to leave that up to others. Its getting late in the afternoon and the sky is blue, not as blue as Colorado but the sounds and power of the oceans take the cake today! I stop and check to see how long it is to Palisades on my BlackBerry - okay I've had this thing for 40 days now and I just found out it has GPS, so many functions and I'm just to getting to learn them. Pretty cool, so now I won't have an excuse for getting lost, however I like getting lost sometimes!

I finally conntect with Carl, he mentions they have a dinner engagement and won't be around till 9PM or so, which is cool with me. I like hitting up the local cafes and listening in on conversations to see what people in the area are up too. The next fifteen miles I spend enjoying the ocean and avoiding the thick traffic heading into LA. Once into LA I look up and see the population on the sign and boy the most people I have seen on a sign yet, close to 4 Million! That's just the sign, I wonder how many people are truly here? I roll in and the sun's about to set so I snap off a few photos of the sunsetting along the coast and it just takes me to another place. A place of I know as home, the sunsets of Kansas are truly amazing and I'm not sure if any place can compare, however there are some close seconds! I find their place after hitting the 15 miles or so from Malibu, settling into a little grocery store right up the street. What a perfect spot, the place has coffee shop with free wi fi, so I grab some chocolate milk and sit down for a nice evening watching the people, I really don't like using the term "waiting" as that time could be utilized for something, so I finished reading and caught up on mail. Then the phone rang, not sure who, however I was pretty sure it was Carl so I call back and leave a message.

Within five minutes Carl and Cookie show up, its so great to see a friendly face that I recognize! I'm crying as I write this as they have been such a blessing and it makes me think of all those people that I love as Cookie was one of the only hugs I have had on this trip that has felt so genuine! All dressed from a night out on the town its such a great feeling to see someone I know in a city this big! I pack up things and follow them down to their condo which is just around the corner, I found the perfect spot! After locking my rig up in the parking garage I head into the condo, not wanting to disrespect their place I put my wet/dry back outside to air out. They are such great hosts, I'm able to do laundry and let me tell ya I think this was the stinkiest my clothes and kit has been since I started this journey mine and I felt so bad bringing all this stintch into their lovely condo! Before I can shower their daughter arrives, wanting to meet this mystery man they have heard so much about from her parents. Talk about embarrassing, I'm filthy, haven't shaved in days and just to be honest I stunk! I great them with my Kansas hospitality and look forward to catching up, however a shower is a must before that happens. Cookie shows me to the shower and it was so nice, I could have taken a longer one but company was out front. I had to shave too as I really wanted to clean up since I have been without a shave in a week or to. Let me tell ya, weeks on the road without a true towel like the one I was blessed with tonight was amazing! I just wanted to head out into the living room in nothing but a towel as it was so comfy, however that might have been a little in appropriate! (I could write so many great things about this evening with Carl and Cookie - truly priceless when genuine Christian people open their home to you!)

I change into the clothes Cookie grabbed for me, looking like a true Californian surfer (bright blue board shorts and a t-shirt) I head out to the living room where I'll be crashing for the night. With eight curious eyes on me wanting to know my story I tell them how it all started. They were so great and I could talk for hours, however the night was getting by and everyone has things to do in the morning, so we all say our good nights and crash for the evening.

When falling sleep tonight, I struggle - I text a couple friends, however I know there a sleep. It's a little after eleven making it 1AM their time so I'm really fishing in an empty sea, I'm tired but still wanting to chat, eventually I fall a sleep and what a sleep it was! I wake a couple hours later as I have been on a tight bathroom schedule and it feels like I have slept for ten hours and I only slept for a couple. Back to sleep I go...

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