Saturday, September 11, 2010

Getting ahead of myself...

How many people put the cart before the horse sometime? Well - I think that sums me up in a nutshell! Always getting a little ahead of myself and freaking people out. Somethings I really wish I could take some things back, however I can't take back the past. I have overdone it yet again... :( Silence here I come...

As I venture towards wherever I go without cell service and will write and post when I can. I need this time to ensure I leave someone alone and make sure I know who I am, I do and I was when I met them. However I have scared someone and I can not take that back. To love someone else, my dear friend says I have to love myself. I do and with the blinders on I can be a little overbearing because its someone I am not, however with them off as I was that day on the pass I am who I am. So with that I close and disappear into the Virginia wilderness to ensure I continue this journey intact...

When it comes to women I can be niave sometimes, I guess thats my downfall for not dating much in high school and college...Being old fashion doesn't really help in today's society either, or maybe it does?

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