Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 28 August 8th, 2010 (Route: 5 Miles East of Sisters, OR to Eugene, OR)

Day 28 August 8th, 2010 (Route: 5 Miles East of Sisters, OR to Eugene, OR)

Technical Data:

Distance, miles: 105.22
Ride Time 7:01:08
Work, kJ: 4016
Average Power, watts: 157
Normalized Power, watts: 188
Average Speed, mph: 14.83

Forecast: Perfect!!! (well a little head wind)

Woke up this morning feeling pretty tired from yesterday, I woke a couple times to use the bathroom so I new I hyrdated well before I fell asleep. I also woke last night a couple times because I hthen to cramp a little in my forearms when I'm sleeping, I have no idea on why but sometimes I just grip a pillow or somethign and my forearms lock up, for some reason this has been going on since college and I can't pin down exactly why. Random thought thought but I would like to figure it out. College we worked on this strength for bat speed, could be why considering how much I worked out then how much I climbed over time, again very random thought but I'm completely in the moment right now...

Woke up and it was now time for breakfast, Steve and Karen mentioned breakfast would be around 7AM, of course I woke hungry and really was enjoying their company! Waffles, fresh fruit, bacon, and some peanut butter to top the waffles with, lets not forget the warm syrup! Man was it great!!! I enjoyed spending time with them and talking about my trip and their upcoming trip! They plan on doing the TransAm in a couple of years and I was pretty excited for them. After we ate I had the pleasure of watching Steve play with his dog and feed him waffles, I guess he'll do anything for waffles which I thought was pretty cool. Watching this made me thinkn of AJ and how much I miss the little guy, however I know he is in good hands!

Time to roll out, Steve and Karen were heading to church down in Bend on their tandom which was about 16-18 miles away which I thought was pretty cool, I kept thinking I hope I don't make them run late as it appeared I may have. Rolling down the highway just out of Sisters, OR I was feeling pretty good and was thinking today is going to be a great day, kinda sad as this is the last major pass I'll climb until the passes on the East Coast. It was going to be 20 miles or so until I reached the summit and today I really just wanted to soak up the scenery as MacKenzie Pass was suppossed to be spectacular and I was really looking forward to it. Once to the base of the climb I passed a couple other cyclist heading up the pass and said "Hello" and just kept cruising on by, when on climbs I like to try and keep my cadence steady so I don't get bogged down. The climb was plush, road was perfect and the timber surrounding me was worth it. There is a pass just North that is supposed to be a little lower in elevation, however not as scenic.

Once up the pass I could feel the fresh air and really enjoyed the change in scenery. If you ever get the chance to drive this pass which is open only a few months out of the year do so! Narrow road in perfect condition for riding and driving. Your surrounded by tons of timber and the feel of being in a ver serene place! Up the climb which is about 21 miles from where I started this morning is Windy Point which looks out over some lava flow, talk about a drastic chance in ecological diversity! I stopped and took a few pictures and really just enjoyed the view! Talked with a few locals from Eugene out enjoying the day, family outing I thought as the whole family was there enjoying the day!

One gal approached me and asked the usually questions I have been getting out here on the road, where are you from, where are you heading! I asked the same as I really like to hear about those I meet when on the road, keeps me from talking and telling the same story I have told so many. One thing this gal did ask was "Do you have padding in your shorts?" I thought what is she talking about, and she was talking about my quads. Funny thing was she even went further and said "May I" and tapped my quads as if I was lieying when I said "No that's just my leg"...I have put so much muscle on in my quads and glutes since I left Missouri and I can feel the transformation. Yesterday's power readings have proved it, now I just need a solid weeks worth of rest or so, I konw I haven't been able to rest as much as iI want with my goals however I'm going to change that coming up...

Back on the road I head to the summit which less than a couple miles and top out! I spend a little time there where I met Kirk from Louisville, KY! We hit it off right away as I love Louisville, KY and he was touring and almost finished! We exchange contact information so we could possibly hook up in Eugene as it was our destination for the evening and we didn't know where we were going to crash. I contacted a host and hoep I hear back. We chat for a little while before taking off. 20+ mile decent was coming up and to be honest I was looking foward to it! The bad thing is I have to take the decents slow becuase of the travel in the BoB and taking any risk of falling is not on the agenda for the remainder of the trip!

The West side of the pass is what you see in movies! Wooded area with lush vegetation and tons of ground cover, the small ferns were beautiful! This stretch is something I really would like to ride in the future to be honest! Once down the pass the road "T's" into highway 126, another 50 miles or so into Eugene, this highway was extremely busy and I should have timed it for a weekday, however the days kinda run all together when your on the road. Not much going through the head as this time besides, just get to Eugene so you can get out of the traffic. I did see one of those old Nomad's painted bright yellow with a surf board on the top when I stopped to refill for water and I thought it was pretty cool when it passed me! The road was really good, good shoulder to ride on for about 20+ miles or so then it turned into a narrow shoulder whith lots of RV and tourist traffic.

Besides the traffic I was able to enjoy the ride, the Mackenzie River runs along this highway almost the entire way into Eugene and talk about a spectucal to see! Cruising and really knocking out some mileage into the headwind was nice, I was really looking forward to getting to Eugene as I have heard so much about the city. Things like its bike lanes, the University of Oregon, et cetera. About 10 miles out from Eugene I got a puncture in my rear tire that went down really quick, nothing like being on a one foot shoulder with a flat and heavy traffic, so I decide to just ride it to a driveway to get out of traffic! Largest staple I have ever picked up in a tire got me today, can not really do much when you get hit with some road debris like that one! The staple punctured my tired in 8 different places, it wasn't patchable there on the side of the road, however I'm going to give it a shot when I have time.

Heading into Springfield I'm really enjoying the ride as I'm feeling extremely strong today, not as strong as yesterday but mentally tough! I head up the 126 and drop into Eugene and give Aaron and Laura a call as they text me while I was riding to just call when I get into town for directions. I call and Aaron answers, I let him know where I am and he has to think about it for a little bit on what's the best route to take. After spending time with him and Laura, I think they spend more time on the bike then in the car so I can understand why giving directions would be a little difficult. Directions were to basically work my way southwest and find 29th and Wallimete (sp), I had trouble pronouncing it and I'm a little too lazy righ tnow to look it up so I'm just going to stick with what I have. Not a problem working my way to the next call spot, I think he under estimated himself on his ability to give directions! I would say from my other posts that he does know his backyard, however for only being here the short duration they have he does know his way around. I cruise up the hill to their place and Aaron is waiting outside. He shows me into the garage where he is working on his tandem and I pretty much unload and grab a change of clothes so I can get out of these bibs.

Once inside I meet Laura, she's busy cooking and it smells wonderful. I'm really just looking for a place to boil my noodles up and get to bed, but what I've found when you warmshower it, its much much more than that! I'm not going to complain as its such a blessing to share your journey across country with all these great people that are willing to open their homes to cyclist. I grab a quick shower and come out into the kitchen refreshed and hungry of course. I was eating peanut butter and bagels as I got off the bike and my appetite hasn't died...

Laura's busy in the kitchen and Aaron and I are chatting away. He's an engineer that works for a local cycling firm that makes trailers like BoB, however the competitor I'm pretty sure. Burly is the company now that I think about it, what a job, building and designing trailers for something you have an extreme passion for! Sounds like a good job to me! Laura is a music teacher for the kindergarden through 5th grade. She left for a little bit while Aaron and I ate, great food too! I ate as many know I burn a lot of calories and the blueberry crips and ice cream topped off the entree she made. I think she made a califlower keash, however I didn't ask, should have but I think I was too tired from riding and it tasted so good so I really didn't mind what it was! Before we sat down I had a fresh fig off the tree outside, this was the first time I had a fig right off the tree and to be honest I had no idea what it was when I was offered it!

It tasted a little different, however I did enjoy it! Their yard is full of edibles, figs, cherries, plums (I think) and a little vegetable garden! O' and the fresh blackberries were amazing, its rare I buy blackberries whereever I am, however these were fresh from the side of the road Aaron had picked and they were delicous! I think I could have ate blackberries until I got sick they were so good! Conversation was great with Aaron and Laura - they have toured so much and I'm extremely inspired by their story! 16-17K worth of riding the United States with the goal to find the geographical center of each state by GPS! What a story they have, along with lessons learned from all the people they met along there journey! The made it through 44 states before settling down in Eugene, OR where they now call home!

Laura came home later and we caught up a little and I enjoyed spending time with both of them. They are truly an amazing young couple! One other cool thing was when I rolled my bike down into the garage the tags on the Subaru where Oklahoma tags, I felt close to home here! Later that night, Kirk I met on top of Mackenzie was sitting at a coffee shop when I called to see where he landed for the evening, he said he was still deciding and I asked if it was okay for him to join us, it was okay and so we waited for him, and waited, and waited! Found out he was worried about getting his blog up before leaving the coffee shop he was hanging out at. It wasn't much of a wait for me as I knew he would find the house and all would be okay!

Kirk did show up and brought a 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk, he asked if he could bring anything and since I was craving chocolate milk I couldn't resist from asking, so I did! It would taste great in the AM with breakfast I thought. Kirk is 235 miles from his destination, having never used warmshowers this was a treat for him. I let him catch up with the host and just sat back and listened! So many things to learn by just sitting back and being quiet...

Then it was off to bed for me, a nice inflatable bed in the living room! I was thinking, this is awesome - I'm not goint to have to air this up again in two hours! :)

To Aaron and Laura - Thank you so very much for your hospitality! You both went above and beyond!!! When you plan on getting on the road to tour again, hopefully I'll have a place for the two of you and "Fresh Homemade Icecream!!!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey matt, keep on looking forward, you will find your goal and the answers you seek. Many people are thinking of you on this journey of yours.