Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 42: August 22nd, 2010 (Route: Brookings, OR to Eureka, CA)

Day 42: August 22nd, 2010 (Route: Brookings, OR to Eureka, CA)

Technical Data:

Distance, miles: 109.12
Ride Time: 7:42:07
Work, kJ: 4772
Average Power, watts: 171
Normalized Power, watts: 203
Average Speed, mph: 14.04

Forecast: Sunny with winds all over the place, 60-80 degrees...

I was moving pretty slow this morning after an epic day of riding, to be honest my body was still riding the bike even when I was sleeping. I woke and and got on the bike right away after doing my normal routine! I didn't get that much sleep last night either, I was on the move again one would say. Trying to get to SanFran in good time just in case someone has time, however I'm not thinking its looking good as I haven't heard back and to be honest its with short notice. I see a couple of guys that I camped with a few nights earlier before rolling out, I say my Hello's and Goodbyes rather quick as i want to get on road and attack another day.

Before heading out of town I wanted to hit up a cafe for some wi fi so I can update my blog and listen to some music! Traveling 40+ days now without music is tough, however I get a song in when I can with the help of! I was planning on downloading all my songs to my pc before I left, however I never found the time to transfer so I'm relying on what I have in my head, and trust me I can't sing very well so your safe from damaging in your tempanic membranes!

I roll down the hill and into town and head to a coffee shop for some wi fi and get to blogging, there was just no way I wanted to write last night after writing EJ back. I also wanted to get that email sent off as I didn't want to drop it on the phone, much easier for her eyes to read when I draft on the pc then drop to email. The same goes with the post, as you may have thought about how I post from all the places I camp, well I draft then post to the net when I can. I really enjoyed the rest when writing and tried to take in some calories and some water so I could fuel the remaining of the day! After listening to some Tyrone Wells and thinking about my future and the memories that have been captured I head to a small gift shop to buy some postcards. I wanted to let EJ know how much I enjoyed her company. Funny how the heart likes to play with your thoughts when things are so fresh, sure do hope something comes out of the time we spent together, however I'll have to give it to God and see what he thinks. I have to stick to my game plan of having no control even though I'm extremely sad right now for leaving Oregon!

Back to the road, I think I can get these postcards out in the mail, however its Sunday. I have lost track of the days along with time since I haven't worn a watch since I left Missouri. What a way to live, in the moment trying to enjoy every moment of ever day! I know this is temporary and I'll have to return to work or school soon so I better enjoy it while it last. Today was one of those days where I really didn't have to warm up, heck I just got off the bike a few hours ago I thought, maybe the body still thinks its riding! One thing i did notice is that the fluid that had collected in my lower legs has gone and I'm back to my runing legs which I love, I hate when my legs feel so heavy. Feeling light has always been something I have enjoyed, never to be weighed down!

Crossing the border into California felt like I was going into another country as they were checking for vegetation I'm assuming, they just waved me through which was great! With a nice tail wind at my back I roll into California and I'm thinking what a transistion! Oregon was so beautiful, I was told a long time ago about its beauty from a good friend of mine, now I know what she was talking about! I hope I'll be able to return soon as I believe it just might be where I want to live given my heart and God lead me back this direction. I had a friend cheer me up a few minutes ago that I talked with a couple days back when she was having a terrible day and she said "Now work towards what you want and don't let anything get in the way!" I thought about this for a minute and the thoughts that came to me where as follows:

On top of McKenzie Pass I found a diamond amongst the lava fields. It was so surreal! The analogy I like to make is "amongst all this black, which reminded me of a field of coal, walks a perfectly cut diamond!"

I think about what my friend has stated and this Diamond I want so bad...then think about what it would take to get this Diamond. I would do about whatever it would take to be honest. When you know, you know and boy do I know! I'll have to pursue from a distance as I think it will be worth while if I do!

Back to the ride - I could talk about that for days! The biological diversity moving into California was so different then Oregon! I could notice the terrain changed and the bugs were a little thicker and to be honest it just appeared a little dirtier. Not to take anything from Northern California however I will give Oregon some credit as it was an amazing state even though I complained about the cloudiness and wanted my sunshine. However, I'll complain a little when I'm extremely tired and cranky from riding! This typically only happens after a long day in the saddle and I failed to fuel properly. Riding along the California coast I see a dozen or so surfers and what a site to see! I'm not sure I'm up for surfing in the Pacific this far north however I'm sure I would get used to it!

Climbing now up into the RedWood forest and what a sight! I have never seen trees this big before! The legs were extremely worked from yesterday so when I hit this climb I was not liking what I was feeling, however what a great way to train! 42 days in with 30+ solid days of riding, I'm pretty sure when I get back to where ever I plan to call home I'll be in extremely strong cycling shape, only one problem, it will be winter! Looks like I'll have to go south if I want to utilize the strength I have built however I'm not sure that's likely!

Stopping at a pull out on the climb I chat with a "biker" from Minnesota. He road from Minnesota to southern California, now he's on his ride back. I wonder what that's like to ride a motorcycle where all the exercise you get is moving your wrist, just sitting? I did think it would be nice to have that throttle for this climb however! Climbing today was not like yesterday, the cadence is much lower and the legs are feeling rather tight but not to bad. The cadence was low because the grade was 6-7% and the traffic was tight, I sure do miss those open roads in the prairie states I kept thinking!

Rolling now, rolling right through the northern most Redwood Forest in California and what a sight to see, however I didn't get to see much as I had to focus on the climbing and staying as close to the white line as possible. Sometimes I think how is this supposed to be enjoyable with traffic buzzing along at 60+ mph? Safety has been something I have thought of alot on this trip, however I figure when its my time to go its my time to go, what can I do? Rolling down the climb I roll right into Klamath a little salmon fishing town due to the salmon that run in the Klamath river. I stop for water and find out I just missed the Salmon Festival yesterday on the river, hence why there are so many people in and out of this small little town. I talk with a young kid in a softball uniform, he informs me of the alternate route through the next RedWood Forest and says its a must, it will keep me out of the big climbs on 101 highway.

I climb up to the entrace of the next state park and think how this kid really knows his back yard as he had the distance down and the terrain described to the "T"! I climb up into the park and it reminds me of the climb out of the Tulsa Tri transistion, steep, however this climb was about three times longer then the one at Skiatook lake. I miss that lake I think, however I don't miss the jet ski's buzzing around causing all the chop...

Once into the Park I take my time and look around, trees the size of cars and so massive! I look up and the trees just keep going higher and higher, I think I took a picture and it took three shots to shoot the whole tree being a few feet away. This place is breathtaking! So green and so alive yet with the feeling of being in a surreal movie! I think I could stay here all day, however I need to push on!

The ride in California today was nothing like the rides in Oregon, little off the coast and in some farm country. I continue down the 101 and it turns more into freeway and nothing really to see, now I'm really missing Oregon and that perfectly cut diamond from Eugene! Not to happy to be honest about leaving Oregon! Sad and wanting to turn around...

Riding into Arcata I hit the century maker and just think I need to find a place to crash, I remember the guys the night before mentioning a KOA in the area as its the only place here, no state park close for me tonight. I figured it would hit me eventually, the need to crash at another place besides these hiker/biker sites. California really needs to put some cycling maps together like Oregon!

Rolling down the freeway now, see a sign for a detour for cyclist due to construction. Okay, this ride was pretty lame to be honest! The roads they diverted me on were horrific, I would have rather ridden on loose gravel the entire 6 miles worth of detour. I'm sure they had there reason, but being 100+ in and tired from the day before I was having trouble focusing on the positive tonight.

Heading toward Eureka now, detour took me around Arcata and I'm thinking this KOA has to be around somewhere. Three miles after I thought this I look up and see a sign "KOA Drive" and think "Awesome" as I'm tired and ready to get some sleep! I pull in and take care of registration and set up tent, make some pasta and call it a night. Another 100+ day in the books and one day closer to San Fran.

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