Friday, July 16, 2010

Day Five: July 16th, 2010 (Route: Dighton, KS to Sheridan Lake, CO)

Day Five: July 16th, 2010 (Route: Dighton, KS to Sheridan Lake, CO)

Technical Data:

Distance, miles: 101.18
Time: 7:29:34
Work, kJ: 4359
Average Power, watts: 161
Normalized Power, watts: 170
Average Speed, mph: 13.44

Forecast for the day - hot and sunny! Day started out with an hour of the thickest fog I have been in a while - the latter part of the day HOT 95-100 F. Wind out of the Southwest at 10-25 mph.

After a long day at work yesterday the conditions did not favor my work day at all, well it did for the first hour when I think back. Last night was work after I worked on my blog. The flats out on highway 96 setup some more patch work and always a chore. I now have 5 spare tubes and three patches to help make sure I get to Colorado Springs, CO for the nearest bike shops. After eating dinner I was accompanied by four cyclist heading to the East coast that have been on the road for close to 22 days or so, from what I gather they are ready to be off the bike according to one of them. My thoughts are exactly the opposite! I would like to be on my bike as long as possible as I know what work's like. All four are still in college...I didn't talk to them very much as it was late and I was trying to get some sleep!

Back to today's ride - The morning departure was around 6:45 or so and it was nice and cool! The first 20 miles was so peaceful, surrouned by the thickest fog I have experienced in a while, it reminded me of a trip to Colorado when I took my step-father up Mt. Princeton and got stuck on the mountain - that wasn't fog though! The condensation beaded on my arm hair and dripped from my helmet for clost to an hour. Trucks were passing as if it were bright and sunny. Body was feeling pretty sluggish today - I can tell its time for some recovery as the last 5 days have been epic for my cycling fitness (120, 107, 96, 130, 101 miles, + X). I still plan on continuing on to Colorado Springs, CO before I take a couple rest days. Friends in the Springs are looking forward to my arrival so instead of taking a rest day out here on the road I'll do so once in the Springs as it will be quality recovery!

Today was going to be a battle as heading into a head wind for 100 miles is no the most comfortable thing to do. Mentally I think wind is worse then a mountain, at least when you summit the mountain you know the pain has come to an end and you have a decent. Wind on the other hand doesn't have an end point in I would choose a mountain over wind any day of the week when riding. The day was a beast of a day - if you look at the technical data you can see I got my tail kicked today by mother nature, and that's just showing you the numbers - I feel like I have been cooked! I new it was going to be a slug fest with the wind from the start of the ride and mentally I wasn't ready for it after a night of poor sleep.

*Note - So I've come to the conclusion that compressed air is a necessity on this ride - air in your tubes and air in a sleeping pad is nice to have. However, my sleeping back is now a tarp because it has a hole in it I can't seem to repair! So I've been sleeping on the ground and it kinda sucks...

Sleep was poor because the park was not an ideal resting place. Noices filled the night all night long, the sprinklers never turned off from the moment I pulled up until I left, the doves would not shut up (I don't mind doves but when I'm trying to sleep after a day of riding, please turn it off after 10PM), the crickets were in full effect but I didn't notice them a couple of the other cyclist mentioned them this morning. Moral of the story about my nights sleep is I don't recommend this spot on the trip to other cyclist!

Since the heat was going to be in full force today I chose to stop when I could to get water and down a bottle or two before venturing out. I stopped in Scott City and grabbed some water and when coming out ran into these old guys. Talked to one for a while about the weather and if it was going to be hot today. Not sure how old he was but I had a feeling from the coffee cup in his hand he was going in for a cup of joe. (Many small towns have booths in the convenience stores where the locals hang out) After talking with that guy, another one came by and whispered "Did he get you all straightened out" I just laughed and replied "He sure did"! I could tell they were friends, or at least coffee drinking buddies as he had a cup as well.

At the convenient store I triggered on my first thoughts of the day for discussion. The clerk behind the counter came out to take a smoke and hit a red bull! Thoughts on addiction triggered a mile down the road...tune into these in a little bit.

I was close to 50 miles into the trip and the heat was at least 85 by now and rising fast. Nutrition and hydration were on schedule, however over the next 20 miles the heat just took too much out of me and I had to take a pit stop. I new it was close to 102 miles to Sheridan Lake my new destination - if the weather was favorable I was planning on going another 35 to Eads where I plan on taking a North route into Colorado Springs instead of heading to Pueblo and up. I'll decide in the morning based on the weather and ditance, might have to arrive in the Springs on Sunday. 70 miles in I stopped in Tribune at the local Truck Stop which had wi fi so I uploaded yesterdays post. This would also give me an opportunity to get out of the heat for about an hour and rehydrate. It was another 30 to Sheridan Lake and I wasn't sure how this stretch was going to be honestly. I am starting to feel the affects of all the riding and new that the heat was playing a huge card in my ability to concentrate on the goal at hand.

After leaving the truck stop the weather had to be close to 95-100 degrees, I thought about waiting the heat out and pushing on later in the evening but I didn't really like that the day before as I know running self contained has so many chores and I wanted to be able to wind down before crashing for the night. (of course I did stay late at the office yesterday) I told myself its just two hours worth of spinning, it won't be a problem! Just dial in the wattage you need to hit to make it in two hours - at 15 mph I was sure I would make it. This is where things got interesting! The wind started to pick up and I was thinking "Man I wish I was heading East" - this thought came into mind as two cyclists had a huge tail wind and their greatest social assets were in full force! Those guys where rocking out and smiling as I was putting work! I wonder how come these guys listen to music on the road like this, unsafe and lost opportunity to think and enjoy mother nature! I decided no big ring on this stretch and I get there when I get there, hell its not a race!

About ten miles in on this 31 mile stretch I had to stop, not because of the heat but becuase of the "VIEW"!!! Since I don't have my camera or a phone with a camera let me try and explain in words what I saw...

"It's hot, you feel miserable, your sweating but can't feel the perspiration because your now in dry arid Colorado. Wind blows on your face at 20+ mph, you're hungry, tired, dirty, and grimy. You stop riding and look due North. Large white fluffy clouds aligned perfectly above the horizon, the blue sky contrast the fresh cut wheat field that shimmers different shades of gold leading your eyes up to the horizon where a train is stopped dead. Train cars of orange, green, gray, white, black, and one destinct blue car float on the beautiful gold horizon. Your not in the moment and turn 180 degrees to the South. The corn blows in the wind, your ears fill with sounds of leaves brushing against one another in this picturesque setting. Still in the panoramic picture of life, you're still, not wanting to move to take from the moment..."

Its moments like these I will never forget - a camera would not have done this view justice, it was a once in a lifetime view for me! The contrasting colors of the train against the golden landscape was an unbelievable one!!!

The next 20 miles or so was absolute hell - I was creeping at 8-10 miles an hour in what I felt like the strongest head wind ever - I was tired and ready to quit! The day had one and taking a lot out of me, but I can give the day a battle as I'll win the war! Five miles or so from Sheridan Lake lies a small school where I stopped and regrouped and continued on down highway 96. Okay I didn't quit as I'm not a quitter, however I can contest to my thoughts today that camping out on the side of the road sounded pretty good at mile 98-99!!! Once into Sheridan Lake I found the nearest store to grab some water and ask for directions to a park or the church the cyclists mentioned last night. The lady was kind enought to call the Pastor and let him know she had a cyclist that would like to crash at the church - all I could think at this point is what a blessing this trip has been! It's now 100 degrees out and I can relax yet again in the "House of the Lord" and get some much needed R&R!

Okay - once to the church (Pastor Virgil) gave me the low down on which rooms the best room to sleep in and so on! At this point I really didn't care all I know that 70 degrees vs. 100 sounded like all I needed. Turns out the nursery has a double padded floor so only a couple more nights on the floor before I get another sleeping pad! The kitchen is open to use and music - o' how I miss my music on this trip! Wonderful place to crash and wi fi of all things! Couldn't ask for a better place to be honest!

So once I got the bike into the church I got right down to chores! Prep bottles for the AM, take advantage of water and soap - so I did my laundry by hand and washing my bibs (shami and all) in the kitchen sink I thought was weird! Dry clothes outside - took all of ten minutes in that heat! Prep dinner and get things layed out for an early departure in the AM - Gu's, sunscreen, hat, helmet, shoes, "clean" socks, et cetera!

Now time to cook dinner - Angela gave me a Red Beans and Rice meal when I was in Wichita and now I feel like I can cook it as the beans take forever to cook and now tht I have a stove I'll be glad to eat up and drop the extra weight from BoB's belly. I'm waiting on the beans while I write this...

Then to the blog - okay I'll be honest to get these thoughts out of the day directly off the bike is one of the most difficult things to do! But that's what I took this trip for, pedal and write! I love details and the longer I take write the more I will forget so writing after is a must...

I brought a small recorder on the trip with me and bought some batteries last night so I was able to record some thoughts today while on the ride, I will try and plug them in where I can on the post howeve the odds are they will be at the end as I like to ramble - wouldn't be me if I didn't!

So back to the addiction thought from the store in Scott City! First of all what is an addiction - since I have wi fi - lets turn to merriamwebster:

Main Entry: ad·dic·tion
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈdik-shən, a-\
Function: noun
Date: 1599
1 : the quality or state of being addicted
2 : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful

My thoughts on addictions are pretty cut and dry - we all have them in some form or another. Some good, some bad! I like to think my addiction to exercise is one that is positive but when you get down to the biochemistry of it I think I'm addicted to the release of endorphins and adrenaline I get when I do what I do. I'm not sure if this is the reason I may be addicted however I do like the feeling and its all natural!

Maybe the doctors in the audience would care to enlighten us on this feeling we get after exercise or during ("Runner's High or sorts)???

Okay back to addiction - I thought of this because the clerk at the store was out for a smoke break at 9AM or so. Why do people allow these things control there lives. Addictions that is? Maybe she's not addicted just likes it? Who knows...

The more I thought about the addictions it reminded me of my childhood - and those who know I didn't have a poor childhood by any means but again it wasn't so peachy either! I got my first lesson on addictions while attending my biological fathers AA meeting when I was just old enough to remember. This was tough, who wants to hear about all the drugs and alcohol issues your father has when he can't even make the time to spend quality time with his kids. Rough lesson at an early age but it has keep me on the straight and narrow ever since! I never dabbled into drugs and alcohol in fear I would be like my father and I'm glad I chose this route. It kept me out of trouble in high school and even keep me in the books while attending Newman and Wichita State. I'll never forget how hard the boys in college tried to get me to drink while on the baseball team, they all thought I had a heart problem and just left me alone. I did have an irregular heart beat, however nothing out of the ordinary for someone as actve as I was.

So I found other addictions - sports and exercise! The moral of my thoughts I guess is to let those know that addictions affect everyone you're around whether you want them to or not! A while back it was brought to my attention that the Ironman bug I had was also considered an addiction, hence why I'm not really training as much I used to. I have to find the balance in what I'm doing and not let things control me, or all myself to control my life. God has made a huge impact in my life over the last couple of years, he continues to do so on this trip as well! I'm sure the man that brought this to my attention is reading this and I just want to say "Thank You"!

Addictions to the smallest thing can affect you and those around you so what I would consider doing is just take a minute to reflect and see what's not working in your life and try and analyze why. I had help with mine from a lot of people, I was just failing to see the light they had so kindly flipped on! (I'm just a slow learner I think! lol)

I'm not going to belabor this topic anymore than I already have so I'm going to jump topics on ya! Now to Goals...

I thought a lot about Goals today as I'm now climbing into Colorado and those false flats on the highway were a good reminder of Goals for me! Think about it, when I set goals I try and set short term and long term goals because setting just long term goals can possible keep you from your goal! I thought about this on those long flats as I wanted something, a small hill or something to see so I could have some form of achievement. Nothing though - I had to continue battling the mind about pressing on today - it was hard laboring into the wind uphill! I should write an essay on goals...

As a coach I have had to help people in defining goals and to be realistic, trust me destroying someones dream goal after looking at the details is not fun but you have to be realistic! Goals can be simple or complex depending on how one looks at them, I like to make them simple. I'm going to do this and this is how I'm going to get there - writing down all the small details on how to...then what do I do? I tell the world I'm going to do this so I can be held accountable for my goals. Everyone needs a reminder every once in a while on how they are doing on their plan to fullfill their goals, I know I do! (I'm all over the place sometimes and believe it or not I can be easily distracted)

Once goals are in place its time to get to work, goals that are worthwhile require hard work! Working from dusk till dawn for example - I see it on this trip! (All the farmers I see here in Kansas) If you want something you have to go after it and never give up! I thought about quitting today, however quiting is not an option in my book unless there is danger in the scenario...

Little rewards have to be given to the person going after those goals, the short goals have to have milestones too. Remember its about the journey not the destination (Watch Peaceful Warrior and let me know what you think) - I was thinking a lot about this as I crossed into Colorado today, I met a bucket list goal today (July 15th) of riding across Kansas - something I have always wanted to do! Reward - no trumpets or crowds cheering when I crossed just some hot wind and sunshine...So when I get to the Springs - its Hostess Cupcake time to celebrate - I read this a couple of weeks ago on someone's facebook page and thought that's how I'm going to celebrate crossing Kansas - just me and small piece of chocolate filled cake! lol

I thought more about a post from a friend of mine today when I crossed too - he asked me what's next after this - first thought was enjoy this first and then decide! One this isn't over so I have to enjoy it while its present! I think alot of us get ahead of ourselves in life sometimes and fail to enjoy the moments when they come letting our future thoughts take from the present moment in time we are living in! Just being is one of the toughest things I have had to learn as I get anxious and excited about future thinking a lot too.

So I gain an hour of time and I think I am going to try and take advantage of it! Lots of things on my mind today it appears as this blog seems to never end... :)

Until tomorrow enjoy your adventure in life and update me on what your up too as I would love to hear! Godspeed...

1 comment:

lisa said...

Congratulations on traversing Kansas in 5 days---that's a huge accomplishment!

Exercise is a healthy addiction (there's definitely something biochemical going on), but like all addictions, the key is to stay on top of it if possible. Balance is tricky....

Stay safe!