Technical Data (For all the Power Tap junkies out there - I thought I would entertain ya!)
Ride Time: 7:32:05
Distance: 119.61 miles
Average Power, Watts: 172
Normalized Power, Watts: 196
Average Cadence: 72
Average Speed, mph: 15.78
Work, KJ (Calories Burned): 4698
Just for those who really don't know anything about power, the reason I am tracking power on this trip is to make sure I am recoverying and resting when I need to take rest days! Plus - I can be a number junkie sometimes, since I'm building my base I wanted to try and track this epic journey! Now to the good stuff - my day!!!
Day started relatively early with only about 5-6 hours of sleep so I'm making sure I get some quality sleep tonight! After breakfast I got right too it, said my good byes to my brother and listened to his "Good Luck" and off I went! I departed the house at 6:25, 40 minutes later than I wanted to considering its July, I want to stay out of the heat as much as I can! The game plan today was to make it to Lake Toronto, KS and camp. The day started out kinda interesting to be honest, this was the first time I had ridden with Bob's belly full! Bob's packing about 50 lbs in that belly of his, with the majority of the weight being sports nutritional products and food that I will utilize as fuel for this journey! Many may wonder why I'm carrying such a heavy load considering how many grocery stores are out there, well let me explain! There is not much to it to be honest, I have a ton of product from Hammer Nutrition and GU that I need to use up before it expires and what a great opportunity to do so! The weight may slow me a little in the beginning, however I know this fuel works for my system so why stray to other nutritional products along the trip!
Bob is a great companion to have, however I really don't like his bucking to be honest! Pulling 50 lbs extra is going to take a toll on me over the long haul but I need him! Let me explain what's going on with Bob - Bob has one wheel on the back and then connects to my rear skewer so when I turn he pivots and turns, well with only having one wheel its hard to ride with one hand, no hands, and even tough to stand and change positions to work out the legs as he likes to rock when you're not lined up perfectly! Some might not notice however I've been so accustomed to riding with nothing that this is definitely a new experience!
The ride from Carl Junction, MO to the Pittsburg, KS junction was pretty much flawless! I had ridden this route about 6 weeks ago when I was working at my brothers place of employment testing out some mods they were working on! I chose to ride that week to help start building my base for upcoming races, I rode the single speed a lot for those commutes of 64 miles a day and absolutely loved it! The cattle on the east side of Hwy 171 always got spooked when I would ride by and its always a site to watch the calves run and play! It was truly no different this morning on the start of the ride! The sun was shining and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day! At this point I was still waking up so I really didn't remember much of this section in detail but I do recall a few things! The cattle grazing in the fields just below the sunrise were a site to see, just grazing close to the fence - all deep dark Angus cattle with a herd close to 40 or so just enjoying the morning sunshine! The thoughts were waking up but not in full swing at this point so I just keep riding. The body was feeling good but not great, it usually takes me 20-30 miles to really get my body warm when I'm just tooling like I was this morning! I did have to keep reminding myself to keep the power levels low and to make sure I was hydrating and eating as my thoughts can keep me from this sometimes which is extremely dangerous on 6+ hour rides!
O' before I feel a sleep last night I have a friend that is playing my Captain on this trip! So far she has been a great asset to the journey! She has provided updates on the weather and small text here and there to keep me motivated which I love! It's always good to have this on long journeys when your traveling solo. I like to ride with others and this makes me feel like Bob and I are not out there all alone! I plan on leaving this person anonymous with the title of "Captain" until the end of the journey if she would like to be disclosed, Captain you know who you are! Thank you for everything!
Okay back to the trip! (I warned my rambling will be present within this blog!) Just passed the Pittsburg Junction nd heard what I had wanted to hear for three weeks! The first Meadowlark of the day and what a pleasant sound to the ears that was too! No cars near me and it was dead silent then it peirced the air with such force - music to my ears I was thinking! :) The next small section from the junction was to the turn to head up hwy 7 to Girard, KS. This section was pretty cool as I got to see a little of Kansas wildlife. Along this 10 mile stretch I saw some turkey's feeding in a feild off to the West and what I thought to be a coyote head off into trees, it could have been a kit fox, however I'm not sure but it was a canine for sure. The highlight of this stretch though was an owl sitting in the window of this old white barn, it was so beautiful! White face and more a yellow body, I had not seen an owl for so long and this was an awesome site for me on my first day! Other noted wildlife on this trip were all kinds of prarie song birds, and all the road kill you can think of (coons, armadillos, small kittens, skunk). This stretch was only about 30+ miles into the trip and I wasn't really feeling good mentally or physically - the lower back was extremely tight for the first day but I had to think I was 2 days out from a 90+ mile ride and 1 day out of a mountian bike ride so those could have cause the discomfort on the bike this early in the day. Also, with Bob bucking often I have to use a lot more energy on steering as I am accustomed to which has my left hand going knumb more than I would like, I don't think I will be able to avoid this though as pulling this trailer is a learning experience!
Once into Girard - I stopped for water and to use the little boys room! Then I was off, well I did go back in to ask for a plastic sack, the clouds at this point where darkening to the West and I needed something for my phone as I rolled out without a zip lock this morning. I did ask the cashier how her day was going and she said, "pretty good for the first two hours of the day, only 6 to go". Then she asked where I was heading, I said "Oregon" and her mouth dropped to the floor...I kinda laughed enternally as she was shocked and I was thinking just one pedal stroke at a time and I'll make it!
Leaving Girard the legs were feeling good now - just a few minutes off the bike feels so good sometimes! The lower back wasn't bothering me and I was feeling like I could push the pace a little now, but I didn't. I'm on a tour and not a race I kept telling myself. Took a turn on hwy 47 while in Girard and now I'm heading West - this stretch was a short one before I would take a right on hwy 3 heading north to Walnut, KS. The turn onto hwy 3 was a good one as I was just in Walnut a few weeks earlier for the "Kansas State Time Trial Championships" - it was good to see the turn around markers on the road and triggered a very recent moment in my life. I faired well at the 40K TT taking 8th overall with a 56:14 time and an average speed of 26+ mph. It wasn't bad for not riding my TT bike for close to two years since Ironman Louisville in 2008. This started bring a lot of thoughts to my mind about the race and whether or not I pushed myself like I could have, I remember leaving a little on the table. My good friend Stephen Groden told me once that "if your not foaming at the mouth or telling yourself in the middle you want to quit, you're not going hard enough for a 40K". I'll be honest I wasn't foaming at the mouth and my thoughts during the 40K were all over the place so I think I left a little out there, but all in all it was a good day! The thoughts really started kicking up now, must be awake I was thinking - thoughts from racing TT's in the future to where my nieces will go to college!
The thoughts that really kept me going through this section, which I will call my roughest of the day as I had thoughts running through the head such as:
1. What the hell am I doing out here? I need to get a job...
2. Will I get into school for the fall of 2011? (I'm applying to Physical Therapy programs - for those who don't know)
3. Will I sell my house in 2011?
4. Will the chain stays on this bike handle Bob for the duration of this trip?
5. A lot of doubt as the lower back issue came back.
6. What should I read next?
7. The thoughts went on and one!!! lol
The main question that came to mind at this point was something pretty close to the heart, let me explain! I'm out here becuase I love to ride my bike for one, the second reason is becuase I love to inspire and motivate!!! The question that came to mind was "How will my life affect those I come across on this journey we call life, how will God allow me to make a difference?"
I had a lot of responses to my FB post and the mass email I sent out with my url for my blog and I love it! All positive thoughts and warm wishes from friends and family about staying safe out there on the road! Thank all of you for everything!!!
Back to my question - This question burned a little fire inside of me as it pulled me out of the small hole I was falling into on this ride and really got me motivated on why I am doing what I am doing! I mention the FB posting right before this becuase a good friend of mine since 2006 is battling cancer right now and she touched my heart yesterday with praises of "Thank You's" for inspiring and motivating her to keep active! Jane you're a blessing in my life and you keeping fighting the good fight, I love you and you make sure I get to see you when I return! I yelled at ya on the river the other day, didn't know if you knew that was me...Jane I hope you don't mind me sharing about you! Jane some very heart felt things yesterday that I thought about and it kept me pedaling....Jane's training for another half marathon for the fall (I think you mentioned the fall - I don't have internet access right now to double check) and I only hope this journey is touching her to keep fighting!
So from all those thoughts running around in this brain of mind I want to challenge every reader that reads this to the following! Wake up every day with a smile becuase life is way to damn short not too! You have have so much opportunity to make a difference in this world we live in so do so...I'm challenging not only in the physical aspect, but also in the following; intellectually, spiritual, and just being a good roll model for our youth! I rely a lot on my physical ability to motivate as this is a blessing God has provided for me, so think about it, everyone has been blessed with gifts given to them by God, so get out there an make a difference!!!
My thoughts were to challenge people to read more books and share the knowledge with your kids. To put down the damn remote and play with your kids, read them a book, take them to museum or the library, just do something with them as they are our future leaders and its up to us to make a difference. Go to the fridge and take out the low quality foods and replace with something healthy! (Trust me on this one, it makes a differnce!) Spend time with friends and family in fellowship, remember I was born and raised in the Bible belt so I know that your faith makes a difference in the quality of your life. If your not spiritually then don't knock it until you tried it! lol (had to put that somewhere in my blog) Intellecually - if you wanted to go back to school - put a plan together and get it done...I could go on and on as my thoughts were really prepped for a motivational speech at this point in the ride, I think I lost 10-15 miles of pedaling just thinking about this!
The more I think about this, the more it gives me the chills! Is it John Mayer that sung "Waiting on the World to Change" - well I would have to say hell with that! There are a couple universal constants in this world and Change is one of them - things change on a daily basis, however its up to us to change for the good of things - to hell with waiting! The time is now - so MAKE it happen!!!!!
As I write this I think I just got hit by lightening! It's pouring here in Coyville, Kansas - but I'm warm and dry, explain more about that in just a few!
Now back to the ride - after I pulled myself out of my thoughts for a bit I just truly just enjoyed the open roads! Hwy 39 West was an awesome ride - I think I could have fallen asleep on that road as it was so peaceful and not a car insight, I road right in the middle of the road for a good duration! I did come across a couple groups of cyclist just like me on this stretch which was pretty cool. The first group had three young lads heading to the East - not sure how long they have been riding or where they were headed, they looked happy though when I said "Morning Boyz"! The next group of cyclist I saw were again heading East and just doing some small repairs on one of their rigs, I passed and asked if they were okay and kept on rollin' as they gave me the knod that everything was A-Okay! I was pretty much in the zone on this section of highway - however the small section on hwy 59 North was a bit sketch as the shoulder is relatively small and I got buzzed by a white van that was in a hurry it appeared! This didn't really bother me, however it did bring up a lot of memories of my trip on Hwy 24 from Colorado Springs to Leadville last summer (if you want to know more about that adventure just shoot me an email!) Heading North on Hwy 59 took me to Hwy 39 where I heading straight into Chanute, KS! Home of the Blue Devils if my memory hasn't failed me, I grew up in Parsons, Kansas so we played them all sports - I think they were 5A though as we were 4A but I could be wrong on that too, its been a while. Rolling into Chanute I had logged closed to 90 miles and I thought about shutting it down for a day but then thought - its early, it was around 12:30 or so and I told myself I wanted to ride a 120 today after starting because the riding conditions were GREAT! It's the middle of July and its 80-85 degrees with a soft blanket of cloud cover the entire day, I thought I'm going to use this to my advantange and try and beat the Kansas heat - it gets hot here!!!
Once in Chanute I was in need of water so I pulled over at the next convenient store and loaded up, downed a bottle in the store and then refilled. I was a little behind on hydration I think at this point, stuck in my thoughts will do that! I hadn't checked my phone up to this point besides letting Captain know my departure time and that the journey has begun! I check my phone and 6 notifications - all from my brother letting me know I left the lock key on the table - so much for having that with me - its a "U" lock so it could be used for Horse Shoes while I'm out camping I thought! While I was checking my messages the phone rang - Howard Marks - I just thought he must have read my blog and sure enough he was calling to let me know he had and had something to say. Howard wanted to offer me a flight to the East coast once I reach Oregon to finish my cross country adventure so I don't have to ride back to the East which is going to take some time. I told him I would think about it and let him know - I was pretty shocked and I'm so glad to have friends like him in my life! (Howard - I owe you a chess game too! - Maybe I'll take the flight when I get to Oregon and relax a few days on the East coast while I'm waiting on my bike...I'll think about it!) As an economist - maybe we should take a poll now on who thinks I should ride it or go for the flight??? Always love to hear others thoughts - again back to the mass collaboration! (must be the economist in me)
I rolled out of Chanute and planned on taking the next 27 miles into Fredonia. This stretch was pretty tough as my fuel levels where starting to struggle and the clouds were burning off and it was staring to get hot! The next 20 miles were pretty slow but I didn't really care as I was enjoying the day!
*Note - I forgot to mention the miles and miles of sweet corn I rode by coming out of Carl Junction - stalks as high as 8 feet and boy did they make me hungry!!! Gotta love fresh Kansas sweet corn...
Traveling West on Hwy 39 I came to a junction that read Fredonia 6 miles to the South, or Coyville 7 miles to the North. At this point I was in need of some fluids and ready to dismount my fine chariot that had taken me 112 miles to this junction. I chose Coyville because it was closer to Toronto which was my original destination. So I travel the 7 miles to the North and run into Coyville hoping there would be a convenient store, but to no avail the population is 98 people and with no grocery store, no convenient store, no police force or fire department! I was thinking great - I need some water and I'm in the middle of no were - back track to Fredonia or just camp here! Then my blessing hit me right when I needed it! (God - Thank you!) Mary Ecton is walking here dog and I ask here if there is a grocery store close and she "says nope, why you need some water" and I'm like yup!!!! Her house was right there and I was able to grap some water out of her spicket, and I asked if it would be okay to camp in the park across the street and she said "have at it"....Mary appears to be close to 85 years old and as strong as ever!!!
So I head to the park, make up some peanut butter flavor brown rice for dinner! Remember I was banking on a grocery store, so I went to my reserves of rice, peanut butter, and oatmeal! Figure there will be more meals like this but when it comes down to it, its all about the fuel on this trip - I do get cravings but they'll have to wait! So as I'm eating a little puppy rolls through my camp and boy what a site, I'm in the middle of Kansas eating peanut butter flavor brown rice playing with this 3-4 month old pup, talk about taking the mind off of society. About 15 minutes later three kids roll up to the park riding bikes and share a little about the town with me. I enjoyed their company as I was getting all types of comments which I found off the wall, but what do kids in a town of 98 have to do in the summer? When a stranger rolls through on a bicycle this is pretty intriguing... ( Gauge/Mika were their names) and I now know that I could kill someone in this town and just "walk" away as the police would have to be disbatched from Fredonia (6+7=13 miles), which would be plenty of time to escape. I was thinking wow this kid has a pretty good imagination and logic but why is he thinking of offing someone...
So I check in with Captain at this point and she lets me know I've got a 50% chance of rain tonight and I don't doubt it, the clouds are building and I'm in for it I can tell! Then my blessing comes over (Mary) and lets me know she has the key to the Community Center and I should stay there as her forecast calls for T-Storms that could be severe! So that's where I am right now - enjoying the air condition of this nice little community center in Coyville, KS! It's really neat - water, electricity, and a shelter out of the elements! What a blessed day this has been...So I have electrons for my phone and computer, I have all the water I can partake of and I have been drinking so much I have had to pee more than normal - just making sure I'm hydrated for tomorrrow as the weather tomorrow is calling for 92. I have a radio here in the Community Center and I've been rocking out to "Oldies" since close to 4:30 this afternoon and its now 7:15 so I've been jamming! The rain outside is coming down pretty good, I lost electricity for a few minutes here so I'm so Thankful I met Mary!!!!
In closing - For my first day I am extremely blessed to have met Mary and had all the warm wishes from all my friends and family! It's time to eat a little more and keep hydrating, everything is prepped for an early departure tomorrow morning given the rain holds off - the radio just had a weather alert so I'm not sure what will happen at this point in time but I'm feeling by AM the storms will have moved out setting up another beautiful day to journey on to Oregon!
'O and one more thought! The life of living in a small town is so peaceful - dogs run free, kids ride bike with out any worries, and people open up their homes and communities to others! Makes one think where all the good in the world has gone, all I can say is I'm happy to be born and raised in Kansas and that this still exist in Kansas!
My friend. I wish the best in your journey and I am honored to to have you as a friend. i was serious in my call last night when I said I may join you. Let me tie up some loose ends, I already have permission from the family. I believe this would be a life changing event and an opportunity to lift you up - after all, that's how we met.
Julian Joy
Julian - I would be honered to ride with you and trust me, it has already changed my outlook on life! I think I take too many things for granted and this two days has proved to me that life is worth living and to never take for granted the smallest of details!
Just bring a deck of cards with ya! Tie up those loose ends and meet me in Colorado!
Awesome post my friend! This is just what you needed. I'm truly blessed to have a friend like you who can take us to places we have never seen. Thank you! Enjoy your journey.
Kay - Your welcome and the picture you sent of AJ was histerical - I should have warned you about that! In Wichita now - getting ready for another large day! It's going to be hotter then daisies out there - or something like that! Calling for 100+ degrees for the next couple of days in Western Kansas...
Coyville is a neat little town. Been through there many a time camping at Toronto. I like hearing your take on all these places I have been to. Stay strong.
Jason Bolt
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