Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day Three: July 14th (Route: Wichita, KS to Lyons, KS)

Day Three: July 14th, 2010 (Route: Wichita, KS to Lyons, KS)

Technical Data

Time: 5:44:29
Distance, mi: 94.58
Work, KJ: 3661
Average Speed 16.32
Average Power, Watts: 175
Normalized, Watts: 193

Alarm goes off at 4:45 this morning and I turn over in bed thinking, "Are you kidding me I just went to sleep!" Fortunate to stay with the Nances so I had a warm bed to sleep in and I'll never stop thanking them for their hospitality! (I love you two!!!) Alarm was set for an early early morning as Angela a friend of mine was coming over to give me a sports massage, we planned on getting together last night however schedules didn't mesh up so she said "5AM", I replied "Okay". I know getting a massage right before a ride isn't the best thing but it was more of a limbering up sports massage and it helped for today's ride! Thank you Angela!

After the massage we had some deep conversation as we always do when we see each other, I hadn't seen my good friend since last year in Colorado when her and a girlfriend came out to use my apartment to see the sites in Colorado Springs. I got to play tour guide one night but was working the remainder on that trip so this short hour was worth it to catch up!

One thing that sticks out in our conversation the most was that of the concept of "blessings"! Are Gods blessings he has provided for all of us truly for us or are they for others? My conclusion is that the gifts God has blessed us with are not for us at all, they are for all the people we interact with on a daily basis. I wish I could have recorded what I said this morning as I'm not doing it any justice right now - I think its because I was fresh then and now I'm fading! It was a hot one today...

After Angela left I loaded up Bob's belly and then filled my belly - not the best of all breakfast but I was content on a large bowl of cereal and some more of those fresh cookies I had last night! I even had to put one in my pocket for later! lol - it what you can where your burning through calories like I am.

So I headed out of Wichita on 21st street. I used to ride this road when I first bought the bike I'm on and boy did I think this 18 mile stretch was tough in 2002!!! Now it just felt like a warmup - nice and flat with what I now consider a small roller, however back in '02 that was a hill!!! lol Ride was good, the roads were flat and it wasn't hot yet (I did start at quarter till 7 this morning, kinda got a late start) and I was feeling great! Nutrition was there but the 5.5 hours of sleep really didn't help and I probably feeling that in a couple of days. Road to Cheney lake, then headed North around the lake on 251, the plan here was to take this straight North to 56 and then head West on 56 which then turns into 96 and ride this all the way to Colorado.

The ride was great - the wind was out of the South at about 20 mph and I was like a sail - I was covering much more distance compared to the other two days in a much quicker time! I was thankful too, as the temperatures were calling for 110+ heat index temperatures. So the goal today was to ride to Great Bend and stay hydrated along the way - well that didn't really happen so I feel pretty bummed right now! However the conditions I new would get me eventually so I have to deal with it and move on...

Thoughts were relatively silent today - I was enjoying the ride! Today was about the bike for the first 60 miles and boy was it fun! Tail wind at my back, nutrition flawless on caloric intake and hydration levels were up. After looking at the technical data I roade for a couple hours to start then took breaks almost every hour today to down some water and electrolyte drinks. I guess I can take this positive to bed with me as I did ride for 2.5 hours in 100+ degree heat...

8 miles before the 56 junction that would head me West I checked my phone to see what was going on and I had this email from my sister in law Missy that read (FB Comment):

Melissa Willis Carnal - I have a cute story for you. We always say prayers with the girls at night and normally Emmy goes on and on about everything. Tonight she said, "I am only praying for one person. Uncle Map, Amen!" Then she went right to sleep.

Those two little girls are the most precious kids I have ever met! Missy give Emmy a huge hug for me and let her know we'll play once I return from this journey...Thank everyone for the prayers over this journey as I'm very thankful to have them!!!

Once I got to hwy 56 everything started to fall apart though - I made a decision to continute North on 251 instead of cutting over on 96 out of Hutchinson because I was enjoying the tail wind a little too much - I should have stuck with the plan as the truck traffic out of McPherson is horrendous! This stretch of 56 is on a major natural gas production area in Kansas and the trucks are running like crazy! The heat was getting to me now and I was doing my best to keep hydrated, out here in central Kansas it can be tough to find water. So I just stopped at some local farm houses and used the hose - I'm not shy when it comes to being dehydrated or feeling heat stroke symptoms. The good thing was that I was no where near those symptoms and I was going to do whatever it took to ensure I didn't get to that point! After downing a couple of bottles out of this guys well I continued on, continued on about another 8 miles before I said "Hell with this" and ventured up into a row of hedge trees to enjoy the shade of the trees! I sat there for about 45 minutes allowing the body to cool down and took some food and water in to make sure the next stretch would be nice and fueled!

Back on the road I was feeling pretty good but the heat was HOT!!!!! I haven't felt heat like this in a long time! I changed shirts before I ventured out into a white tech shirt versus the jersey to help with detering some of the heat however nothing was stopping the sun today. I rode another 10 miles or so to Lyons, Kansas and called it a day for riding...~25 miles shy of my destnation of Great Bend, KS. On the short break I found out my phones display went out, so I'm without a phone until I can find the nearest Sprint dealer. I stopped in at the Verizon dealer here in Lyons and asked three questions:

1. Where is the nearest Sprint Dealer? Answer - 30 miles back in Hutchinson he said, I tought great 60 miles to get a phone!
2. Any free wi fi? Found it at a local hotel (Lyons Inn)
3. Any free campsites - local ball diamonds down on Taylor! Score!!!!!

So I found out from some other locals that Great Bend possibly has a Sprint store so I'll be checking on line in a bit to make sure and pick up a phone there...really don't know anyone out here on the roads to call for help so I'm starting to wonder why I need a phone any how, as I can update people through wi fi at the next town???

Other interesting things that happened today!

1. Getting chased by two snarling dogs towing Bob isn't fun - they enjoyed some water in the face though - okay I enjoyed squirting them!!! (Brought up a memory - I rode with a guy from Taos last year that would carry fire crackers and matches on his handle bar set when riding in Taos - I tought just find another route for petes sakes!!!)

2. Peanut Butter at 110+ degrees does not need a knife - just pour it out of the container!!!

3. People who ask "Where are you heading? Answer "Oregon" The look on their faces is priceless!

4. Kansas July Wind and Heat is not a force to be taken lightly!

5. If the mens restroom is out of toilet paper and no one is around, use the ladies!

6. Which is worse - Sunburn or windburn? Somebody please turn the fan to blow out of the EAST!

7. Steve Nance - my comment about technology got me today as my phone is now dead! Try and fix from my last post? Not this time around - just buy new or refurbed depending on what selection they will have in Great Bend...

8. Free Wi Fi is a bonus when travel like I am!!!

9. Stick to the route - its there for a reason! (Main lessoned learned today - not sure how many times its going to take though)

10. Can I make it to Colorado without spending a dime? Answer - nope my phone died!

Well I was thinking about heading to the campground but its still at least 95 outside so I'm going to soak up some more air conditioning and allow my body to recover in the cool temps as I don't think baking in the heat is an ideal recovery scenario!

So what puzzling mysteries dare we try and solve today? You know what, I'm not really feeling up to trying to solve any puzzles today to be honest I do have a lot of questions though floating around in this mind of mine, however I'll save them for a later date! The campground is supposed to have electricity so if I feel up to it I'll add a post to this date once I hit a wi fi agian...

Off to make some dinner, study, read, and prep for tomorrows 88 degree forecast! YES!!!

One thing that does come to mind and has been on my mind all day since my phone has been out - I really do miss those updates from "Captain" ;-)


Unknown said...

This is the first time reading your blog. What an incredible adventure you are on! One thought comes to mind: I have incredible friends! I am surrounded by such incredible inspiration! You are not alone on this journey, there are those of us there in spirit or thoughts as well as those that wish we could be right there with you (until we gave out!) RIDE ON! Can't wait to keep up with your journey! Megan Kirk

jaycee said...

Hi Matt,
Be safe,
Jeannie Nance

Unknown said...

Coach Matt, I just caught up to your journey but haven't had a chance to read everything yet. Good luck as you continue on and just know that you are a great inspiration to follow. Be safe out there and plan your route through the Springs so you can camp at the Winter casa for a night!
Be safe, Josh

jelbon said...

Just catching up on your blog. I thought that could have been you on Sat. So just to put things in perspective: I walked 4 miles Sat and rode 8 miles Sun. With the meds and heat I probably felt about like you do after 6 hours of riding. We all have our journeys in life, some we choose and some some are thrust on us. How we deal with them is what makes us who we are. Keep riding and writing, I love it! You too!