Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day Thirteen: July, 24th 2010 (Rawlins, WY to Jeffrey, WY)

Day Thirteen: July, 24th 2010 (Rawlins, WY to Jeffrey, WY)

Technical Data:

Still unavailable as I did not have time last night to buy batteries. No to calculate miles either - however I'm pretty sure it was between 60-70miles.

Day Summary:
High Blue Sky! Wind out of the North to NorthEast at 10-15 mph. (yet another day of head winds)

Day started out a little different then others as I was getting hit by the sprinkler system all morning. After crawling out of the bush (what the Germans call it!) I packed things up wet and headed straight for some warm temperatures. I headed to the nearest Holiday Inn to hit their free wi fi and update my blog for yesterdays ride. It was nice to be dry and in a some warm controlled climate - it wasn't cold out but I was a little frigid this morning.

I wasn't feeling hot while sitting in the hotel lounge this morning and decided that this was going to be a lite day considering the last three were not to bad, I figured if I got 70 miles into I would still be averaging 100 a day so I planned on getting to Jeffrey and see how I felt. Lots of people at the hotel this morning and I was able to score a free shower thanks to Ricky York. Ricky was down stairs getting some breakfast when he asked me about my pc, according to him he was in the market for something lighter as his was too bulky and a pain. After talking with Ricky for a little bit we really connected as we are both Christians, he is actually in the ministry down in Arkansas. He shared his testimony with me and prayed safe travels for me as well. I shared a little with him about my story and we just connected...He then mentioned I could use his shower so this mornings venture over to the hotel was well worth it as I was able to take a shower and wash a "kit" for tomorrows riding...

Ricky and I exchanged contact information and I'll make sure I stay in touch as he and his wife were extremely nice people! Ricky - Thank You for the use of your room as it came in handy today, I'm a fan of road grim however after a couple of days I do like to ride clean. Just something about a hot shower that washes away the thoughts and emotions of yesterday.

I needed this, this morning from Ricky! I wasn't having a good morning emotionally and really needing a pick me up, or for those that have been following an "Up-Draft" - so many "Up-Drafts" this morning. Let me explain - yesterday I believe I failed to stay on my nutrition like I had planned and since the headwind caused me to be out in the heat a lot longer than expected I was hurting today. (At 40+ mph one is going to be tired) I was feeling pretty down and letting things get to me this morning. Little things that I usually just let roll right off my back but this morning, not so much! I was feeling lonely this morning and wondering what I am doing, The trip thus far I have had a few thoughts like this but nothing just parked in my mind like this morning.

Having Ricky share what he shared, and I too him washed away those thoughts and my mind was back! Yesterday I planned on hitting up the hotel first thing in the morning and now I know why. I waited a couple hours and then met Ricky and it was worth the wait. Funny how when your doing your own thing the Lord shines down upon you in a time of need. So Thank You Ricky and plan on me keeping in touch!
Besides allowing little things affect me this morning I was missing home, family and friends. One of my friends has been on my mind a lot the last couple of days, receiving a text from her this morning was also another "up-draft" for me which I needed! I needed to hear from her, I can't explain it - the funny thing was I was texting her the moment she sent her text, it appeared we were thinking of each other which made me smile. So two positives to start my day at the hotel I didn't crash at...

I gave out my blog url to a few at the hotel just off conversations I was having and it made a very enjoyable morning. Then Derek called and gave me the good news that he is home from basic training, fitter than ever, and he is expecting a little boy! What a great morning when I needed to hear from friends and be in the right spot to meet Ricky. (Blessed, I am...)

Once on the road I needed some batteries to fix that power tap, well trouble shoot it and see if I can get back on the technical data for this epic adventure! So I rolled into the grocery and the three cyclists I saw yesterday were there loading up on food I presume and fixing a flat. I went in to grab some peanut butter and some batteries, now I have spent 34 dollars! I thought I would roll out with the other three, but before we did a couple of them used my floor pump - I'm so glad I brought that pump!

Chatting with them for about 20 minutes or so I decided to roll on as I needed to make sure I stayed my own pace, I've traveled hiking before at a slower pace and made myself miserable by staying in the heat way to long so I told them I would see them up the road. So I hit it for a while and just enjoy the ride this morning - 45 miles to Muddy Gap and very pretty! This area of the country is a quite dry with no large mountain peaks, but some wonderful vistas. I stopped and took a few photos along this stretch, however I sure do wish I had my other camera as the quality out of this phone is okay but not great.

These were some boring miles to be exact, I wasn't feeling too hot. I told myself light day today so I could rest up and get my mind back after creating a hole yesterday. The mind was good on the ride and I was really enjoying myself today, I was pretty giddy at times! Singing to myself and just really feeling how blessed I was this morning - got chills thinking about it.

Once to Muddy Gap I refilled bottles and found this place very interesting as when you walk in there is writing all of the walls, not sure what it is about this state but people like to put things on walls! I'm sitting in the only business in Jeffery City and there are hundreds of one dollar bills all over the wall - again not sure why but I'm stairing at hundreds - all marked on with sharpy! Some date back to the 70's...

I ran into a couple German cyclist on this stretch - actually hit them at the convenient store there in Muddy Gap. For those that don't know this part of the country - there is not much here. A T-intersection and a convenient store and that's about it for 20+ miles in all directions so this was a must stop for water...
The Germans took off when I was in town, figured I would pass them out on the road as we both had the same destination. Since this was a short day for me I planned on drying out all my wet items in BoB, hydrating and getting as much nutrition I could so I can make the time tomorrow depending how I feel.

Once into Jeffrey City I stopped at the local establishment for water
and some information on where this park is supposed to be. The park turns out to be two old buildings that have only been used by cyclist over the last 40 years according to the gal tending bar. No cell service in this small town or internet service, well to be honest there is internet service at the bar but to tap their line $3 is required and I wasn't that anxious to post my blog for the day as there is a library 60 miles down the road which is free. $3 bucks can buy me some food and money is needed for that as I'm eating tons!

The gals at the bar are quiet - they just sit here while I type this playing card games on the internet and watch the television up in the corner of the bar. I haven't heard them talk to each other to be honest...I assume when you live 20 miles from the nearest small establishment you don't talk much. Maybe they just don't like cyclist that don't spend money at there establishment, who knows?

Before heading over to the buildings where I plan on crashing I tour the fine estabilishment. In the far corner is a video game, one of the sit down ones and I'm get excited before I get to the machine as its either Ms. Pac Man or Galaga which are my favorite games! (Could have been Donkey Kong) I approach the machine and its Ms. Pac Man and I'm doing a happy dance, because I love this game! I know I get excited over the littlest things, however when you have been unplugged from society for almost two weeks this is a treat! The bonus - there is a free credit on the machine, can someone say "Blessed"! I had a good game but to be honest wasn't really focusing as I was ready for a nap - I think my score was in the 65K range and when I'm on its always over 100K so I wasn't really into it, however it sure did raise the spirits!

Off to this park, okay two buildings in the middle of the WY desert! I head over there and check things out and its 15-20 degrees cooler in the shade. I'm tired and its 2PM in the afternoon and I'm thinking nap but I still have chores to do so instead tend to them! The good thing is the PowerTap is now up and running and things are organized! I'm a bit of an organize freak when it comes to things like this, just like to know where all my stuff is as right now its all I have to tend to and if I loose something I have to replace it and I didn't budget for that!
While organizing I had a lot of thoughts about people in third world countries and how they utilize everything they have to its fullest. I dropped a few almonds and by no means was I going to let those calories go to waste! After my chores I took a short nap, then the Germans rolled up! I got their names and blog information however I left it with my stuff at the buildings, I'm back at the bar stealing some electrons for the phone and computer so when I bail tomorrow they are fully energized. I'm hoping by the time I wake tomorrow I'll be fully energized as I hope to cover 135 miles and land myself in Dubois, WY. This will make up for today and put me as close as possible to the last climb into the Grand Teton's where I need to pick my mail drop of nutrition. (All this depends on the wind and how the legs are feeling tomorrow)

I'm questioning the water quality here in this little town, story has it this was an old mining town for uranium, need I say more?

To my thoughts for the day - Today I was thinking about all the comments I had on my blog at the beginning of this trip and how they have dropped off since. Then I thought that is selfish - what about all the people out there and their lives! So I wanted to say "Thank You" for reading these post as it means a lot to me, however I want to know what's going on in your lives as well! Being out here has its pluses don't get me wrong!

A couple days ago I had a text from someone that was at work and the said they were jealous of me and what I was doing. Then I thought just send the same back as I'm jealous of many of you - let me explain! You have a steady income, a family to come home to, warm meals on the table, warm showers when ever you want, I could go on and on. I know I can have those too, just at the moment I've been lead to do this, why I cannot explain. There have been many questions posing why are you doing this, doing it for any cause, et cetera? I'll truly never know until I finish...The point of this ramble is again - live in the moment! Your day will come when you can escape from the job for a while and life, the same as mine will come when I'm back to working, however never take what you have for granted! Smile and enjoy every moment in your life because you only have one!

I came across this phrase a few years back "What is your dash"? Any thoughts on what this dash may represent? Think about it and let me know what you think...

scroll down...

Okay enough thinking, let me share! My dash looks something like this (1979 - ?). Got it? Yes the dash represents all the moments between when I was born and when I will perish - the choice is what do I want to do with this dash, this life I have been so blessed with! Questions I have for myself is - How will I make a difference? How will people remember me? - This brings up another thought - while out on my bike I see a lot of things. When I was in Missouri riding my single speed I saw a sign that read "LIve the life he has for you, so the pastor doesn't have to lie at your funeral" - okay I don't think I got the quote right but I think you get the picture I'm painting...

Ever heard a eulogy that was negative? Makes ya think doesn't it...My thoughts for myself here are to try and live the positive so the individual speaking at my funeral doesn't have to dig for the positive - it was was present through the way I live! I'd prefer the speaker just say - "When he was alive - he truly was alive! Need I say more..." I know that I'm not perfect by any means so for those who are reading this that I have caused harm to - I'm truly sorry for what I have done! (had to put that in there as I'm human and I'm sure I have done way too many negative things in my life - however this trip is changing my life!)

On the bike today a thought came to mind about my destination in Oregon, this being Astoria, OR. Going to show my age here, even though I'm not old by any means! I absolutely love the movie the Goonies and it happened to be shot in Astoria - so when I'm there I'm going treasure hunting for "One-Eyed Willies" treasure!!! :-)

It's now 7:35 or so here in WY and I'm startin to doze off at the PC and can tell I need sleep...night!

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