Day Seven: July 18th, 2010 (Route: Pueblo, CO to Colorado Springs, CO)
Technical Data:
Distance, miles: 49.58
Time: 4:09:14
Work, kJ: 2319
Average Power, watts: 153
Normalized Power, watts: 171
Average Speed, mph: 11.79
Forecast: Sunny and partly cloudy with a North wind of 15-20 mph.
I'm writing this at 6:25 AM on July 19th, 2010 as when I rolled into beautiful Colorado Springs, CO yesterday the day filled with moments that did not allow much writing and being a day behind on my blog I hope that detail from yesterday's ride is not lost. Before I start on recalling yesterday's ride let me live in the moment yet again as I am truly blessed!
Roll over, tired from the last seven days of pedaling, so tired I didn't even get under the covers last night. Slept on top, computer at my side, exhausted. Sun breaks on the horizon, sky is that Colorado Blue! Look out the window, can see Norad, the statue above the mountain zoo, air is Colorado fresh... (I could go on and on!)
I am staying with my good friend Jan's mother up the road from Jan's place and this place is a DREAM! (words truly cannot describe)
Leaving Pueblo after the "Bang" that I hope did not wake Katie and Jake I headed South trying to find a way across town to highway 85/87, which would take me North into Colorado Springs on the East side of town. Destination this morning was Jan's House - a friend of mine that will be, as long as I walk this earth. Jan has been such a blessing in my life, from listening and providing sound advice that I will cherish the remainder of my days. Jan - there is no doubt in my mind that you have been a gift from God for me since I met you at CTS last year! Last winter Jan and I would have these deep discussions in the evening at least twice a week that I like to call "Fire-side Chats"! I miss these when I'm not here in the Springs and think about them often as she really stimulates my thinking to a level way beyond any professor, mentor, leader, or colleague I have ever interacted with. Her friendship is something I will cherish all of my days!!! I can only pray that everyone in the world can find someone like her for their lives as she has truly changed, shaped, and blessed mine! (I'm truly looking forward to this visit as I have since I left Colorado back in February - the picture above was when I was departing in the Penske truck and the feelings that day I can recall like yesterday - thoughts of "I will return to live here")
I decided this morning to not eat and I would pay for that later as I should have. I rolled South in town for a little bit thinking I should turn around and just head North until I find a road that would allow me to traverse the city underneath the bridge (I25). I did the right thing and just asked a local walker taking an early morning stroll through the park, thought this would save some time. (Yes - I'm male and I don't mind asking for directions! Teach - you were right "You do right, you do it light - do it wrong, you do it long") I wanted the shortest distance as possible to the Springs this morning as I was feeling the affects of the last six days of riding - close to 700 miles in six days. I don't think I have ever done that many in such a short duration and I wanted to try and use this a rest day to start my 2.5 days of rest.
Before leaving Pueblo I stopped in a Loaf-N-Jug (similiar to a QT in OK) and refilled my bottles and talked to the clerks about highway 85/87. They mentioned the stretch was close to 35 miles to downtown Colorado Springs. I also wanted to verify Jakes information that the road was part dirt/gravel through a section.
I was off riding and enjoying the morning! This is my dream state and I love it so much - the mountains off to the West - the sunrise to the East and the smell of crisp mountain air! Wind was blowing out of the North at say 10-20 mph (I'm not a weather man, but the flags I saw were horizontal so I new I was in for a tough day) and I had another 1500 feet of climbing today to get into the Springs. (Should have ate breakfast!)
Along this stretch I made a few notes as I was in the moment and enjoying the ride! Katie and Jake - this is for you! Knowing your backyard (the place you reside - from the people, stores, businesses, parks, et cetera) I wanted to let you know that there are fresh eggs a few miles in on this stretch of road on the right hand side. Sign reads Dozen and Half Fresh Eggs for $2.00 so I thought I would share as I noticed when putting the milk back you two eat organic - doesn't get much organic then fresh farm eggs! Also - a little further North there on the left side is a another local farmer with building shaped like a "Watermelon" and painted the same ta' boot! They appear to have a lot more than eggs but I was riding and couldn't really notice what they have, but I think it would be worth checking out! (Probably save on taxes too! LOL) The little "Watermelon" building had some bikes parked in the back so I'm pretty sure that some cool people live there...
Continuing North the wind was pretty stiff, but I was enjoying the ride! I was in Colorado, on my bike, heading to see friends, does it get any better? Well - maybe if you're with friends riding bikes in Colorado! I was feeling pretty good even though I had not eaten breakfast - I was just so excited to be in Colorado and enjoying the moments that God has put in front of me! What a blessing I was thinking I am experiencing right now, the freedom of feeling truly alive!
Then I hit the sign "PAVEMENT ENDS" and I looked down at my bike computer and wanted to log how long this stretch was - I had ridden the road bike on several dirt roads in Colorado before so I felt pretty comfortable doing so and advice for all cyclist out there - experience it all as its worth it and will help your riding! This stretch was great - dirt was packed and it was actually smoother in sections then some of the roads I have ridden on. The wash board sections I really didn't enjoy but that's life, some things you like some well not so much... (have to read that thought with a long pause in there as its different when I say it) I continued on riding and truly in the moment when I wasn't hitting fine dirt that would throw me to the left or the to the right - kinda had to pay attention to the road a little more here versus riding on pavement.
"Trains blowing its whistles to the West, riding along endless tracks along the front range. Wind blowing due south, sun hides behind the clouds to the East. Cattle stare me down as Bob and I venture into their world along this dusty highway. Stomach growls, lips dry, thirsty and ready to be off the bike. Antelope to the left, emu or lama to the right. Gears grinding, screaming for some oil, lube, or wax - just anything please. Hustle and bustle of highway traffic along the I25 corridor - people heading to work, others heading to play. Quiet farm houses, horses standing in the open desert fields. Black, brown, white, and a paint look me over..."
So many thoughts on this stretch and really feeling the affects of not eating this morning. Take my advice this time around and do not learn from my actions - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I know this - today I allowed my anticipation and anxiety control me as I was in a hurry to get to my destination, failed to live in the moment and fuel up...
The dirt section of this highway was close to 13-14 miles long - not the ten miles the clerk thought it was however they were close. Once to the "T" intersection I hit familiar territory as this was the Hanover loop and just a few miles to the East of the "Saturday Morning Colorado Springs ride that leaves from Acacia Park" - thoughts were all over the place, I need some food, I should of ate, that section "Sucks" and how I wish I had a pelaton to pull my tired tail home! So many miles traveled out here in this area when riding with CTS - the memories where a delight however the chemistry working inside of my tired warn down body is calling for food keeping me from all these moments. Still happy and laughing about the situation I continue to pedal thinking - food when I get to the Springs, sit in the creek behind Jan's house and just relax in the yard soaking in the rays, however that appeared so far away. If only I could fly as the crow does I would be ther enjoying all of this, however no I had some more work to put in!
I stopped and took in some GU on this section and I hit the Roctane 2x caffeine as I was needing some calories and some extra boost. Many that really know me know that I don't like to take in caffeine however I do when I'm racing and today was a must...I continued on through the small little towns, mind was thinking I love this place! Through Fountain, CO and into the Springs I rolled - thoughts of "I'm at Home"!!!!!
The Mountains to the West, the statue above the Zoo, the incline, the training center (OTC), friends, trails, Garden of the Gods, Red Rocks Open Space, downtown coffee shops, the library, and fresh mountain air, o' how I love this place! Very simple for me - the training that can be done here is amazing, such a great place to get strong! Pikes Peak to the West is like a "Pause" button for me - such a majestic site that can take all my stress away, allowing me to take a thousand steps back and think, to reflect and wonder, ponder, and think about life!
Cheyenne road/blvd - I can't ever keep the two straight, just a few blocks away and I'm unleashing BoB! Pull into driveway and Jan's cars not there - first thought was she is probably at work so I figure I'm in Colorado, I don't have a time line, I'm just going to sit and be! So I head to the creek out back of her place and just sit in the ice cold water and love every moment of it...I'm a huge fan of ice baths and will take them whenever I'm training hard - just something refreshing about them.
Here's a challenge - "If you have never done a Polar Bear Plunge - do it!!!"
After sitting the ice cold creek for a while I went and laid in the nicely manacured fescue in Jan's sanctuary - I love her house! Just a peaceful serene setting...I lay in the yard and just fall sleep in the Colorado sunshine...I'm not sure how much time passed but still no Jan - no phone at this time so I can't really just give her a call.
So I unleash BoB and head to the Sprint store to knock off my "To Do" list and try and get ahead start to I can relax over the next couple of days as I know how fast the time will pass while I'm here. Sometimes I think when we want to relax and try to we end up never truly getting the rest we need - just self induced pressure and stress that can be avoided with just logic and thinking what's best for us.
Unleashed BoB and headed to the Store. Tony helped me replace my phone, mentioning that my phone had been water damaged. My initial thoughts were great I have to buy a new phone but that's life, things break, wear out just get a new one and don't waste any more time thinking negatively about it. After talking about all my options on the phone I just went with the one that would replace the one I had and a case/protective case for this one. Tony was great - he was able to help me out and spent close to 1.5 hours helping me with all my questions and setting up some features. I used to be into the Tech scene however I really have lost interest over the years - thoughts have turned to much deeper thoughts, meaning, to why I am here and I just lost track of things. So at this point I figured I'll take all the help I can get with this technology stuff - hell I haven't owned a TV for close to 10 years now...
While at the store I shared my journey with Tony and the crew and hope they follow my blog as I left them with the URL. And this goes out to Tony - thanks for looking me up on FB - You'll make your bike ride some time soon - just keep working hard and God will provide the time when your ready to venture out! Great meeting you and thanks again!
Back to Jan's for some much needed R&R - no phone numbers though as my water logged piece of plastic and metal is now a useless item. I sure do wish I could have all my numbers out of that phone...but such is life I! I'm still happy though - as I'll get them all back, just going to take some work.
The remainder of the day today is going to just be a blessing as I get to spend it with my good friend Jan, I've been looking forward to this since I left the Springs on Feb. 12th, 2010! Off to spend the day with a great friend!
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